Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Back to the Basics

This year, there haven't been too many movies that had me super excited.  The Amazing Spider-man looked lame from the trailers (I had assumed it to be a retelling of the first Spider-man, but was pleasantly surprised with how good it was).  Madagascar 3 created some excitement, but I was also rather nervous because I didn't want to see the producers end an epic series badly (and they didn't!).  Dark Knight Rises didn't necessarily do it for me either, because Dark Knight was so... well dark!  I was worried this third one would be the same (again, pleasantly surprised).  I am somewhat excited for The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey and Les Miserables, however I am upset that they are splitting The Hobbit into THREE movies!  And where I haven't read the books for either of these, I don't know exactly what to expect in the movie... thus I am not as excited.

But today marks the release date of a movie I was excited to see.  Honestly, I haven't been this excited since Harry Potter 7-2 was released last year.

This movie is...

Of course, Rise of the Guardians.

Prior to today, the more I saw about this movie (trailers, TV spots, etc.) the more excited I became.  For starters, the concept of childhood myths being not only real, but also being guardians of the children was unique to me.  Then the villain entered... Pitch...

You may call him the Boogieman, Pitch Black, or the King of Nightmares.  When I first saw him I knew he was going to be a good villain!

So, the overall story theme I received from the trailers was Pitch has entered the playing field and is spreading fear across all the children of the world.  And if the children do not believe in the Guardians, they will disappear and lose their powers.  So, the Guardians must "rise" together and help protect the children of the world from this new darkness.

Well, I had the great opportunity to finally see this movie today (opening day).  I was very excited, but there was a small part of me that worried I had built it up too much, and that I would be disappointed with the final result.

I couldn't have been more wrong.

Despite all my excitement... it still blew me away.

Now, I know there are some out there who say, "This is your simple story of good vs evil."  Well yes, but you know what?  In a time when movies are so popular and everyone is trying to create elaborate and complex stories (*cough*Inception*cough*), it's rather refreshing to go back to the basics.  This was one of the main draws for me.  I'm tired of the complex storylines, the mind boggling twists and turns in plots and character development... just give me a good movie that has excellent character growth and development, with twists and turns that actually make sense but are not predictable, with little to no profanity/inappropriate material, and then I will be happy.

Tonight, I am pleased to announce that I. Am. Happy.

I found this movie to be unique (as I said earlier) and very entertaining.  The writers did a good job to keep the story flowing by adding bits of humor through-out (the elves are hilarious as is the rivalry between Bunny and Jack).  I felt the characters all experienced growth throughout the movie, and especially our main character: Jack Frost.  One of those changes actually happened within myself.  Now, how can this be, right?  I'm not in the movie?  Well, good writing creates changes in the viewer, and there's a point where Pitch "bears his soul" to Jack... and I sympathized.  (Side Note: This is key to developing a good villain in any story.)  It helped me realize what he has been through and it's no wonder he is the way he his and why he does what he does (again, this is key to developing a good villain).  Therefore, Pitch's character was beautifully crafted and well rounded in the end, as were the other main characters.  The only one I didn't see a great change in was Sandy, and if you see the movie you'll understand why.  But I loved him just the way he was anyway!  He's perfect!  (One of my favorites, can't you tell?)

Switching gears, there are many morals and messages portrayed through-out the movie (not just at the end as it is with most).  Things like who we are now is not dependent on who we were before, and that each of us has a purpose while in this life, we just need to find it.  It was one of those movies that simply leaves you feeling uplifted and full of hope and light.  I love these kinds of feel-good movies.  I believe that's what all movies should do: Uplift us and take us away from reality.  I live in reality, why would I want to see a movie that portrays the same thing?  Give me two hours away from this life to imagine something greater, something better, and I feel much happier with my reality when I return to it.

Also, Alexandre Desplat produced the music for this movie.  For those who do not know, he is the brilliant mind behind several of the amazing Harry Potter Soundtracks!  The music was simply stunning and I think I know what to ask for when Christmas rolls around!  Here's a sampling of the type of music on the album:

Speaking of little facts, did you know that this movie is based off of a book series?  I had no clue!!  It is entitled, "The Guardians of Childhood" by William Joyce and includes picture books as well as young reader books.  I actually started reading the "Nicolas St. North" book online and it talks about how Pitch awoke and how Jack Frost came to be (the movie never exactly explains how Pitch came back).  The series looks rather interesting.

I simply love this movie.  I think it was well written with a good story and great characters, and excellent music is a bonus!

Now go and have your spirits uplifted and enjoy a good story of good vs. evil!

The Guardians Have Risen!!