Sunday, September 30, 2012


I don't believe in coincidences.  I honestly believe that everything we experience (especially major trials) are for a reason and that we can learn something from everything we go through.

However, trials are not the reason for this specific post.

For the past little while, my life has had a lot of these "coincidences."  Namely in my social life.  There have been too many instances when I have thought of a friend but failed to act, only to have them act instead and contact me.  Or there are times when the Spirit will whisper to me to do something and I decide to act, only to realize that it was exactly what the person needed at that time.  More often than not, it was what I needed as well.

The Lord is very aware of us.  In the words of Albert Einstein: "Coincidence is God's way of remaining anonymous."

I found the article below and fell in love with it.  It speaks the truth to me about coincidences.  I am re-posting it here in order to have the article even if the original link disappears someday.  (See citation after the article):

When God Winks at You
By: Squire Rushnell
You’ve had another one of those days. Everything seems uncertain.

You think: Wouldn’t it be great to wake up one morning and have everything be certain? Certain in love? Certain about your job? Certain about your future?

Who could you talk to about this? Bigger question, who’d listen?

Tentatively your eyes drift skyward.

Hello? Are you there, God?

Then your mind quickly assesses the immensity of your request. You want God to listen to you, right now. How ridiculous. There are six billion people on this planet. What if they’re all calling God at the same time?

You slump. Deeper into the dumps.

Then--something happens.

A little silly thing.

Someone you just thought about for the first time in years phones out of the blue--a silly little coincidence, so silly you shrug it off. Or a prayer you didn’t really expect to be answered--was! Immediately, your left brain repeats something you once heard: There’s a mathematical explanation for everything.

“But…” you say, “mayyyyybe... it’s not just coincidence or chance!”

Maybe God is communicating with you.

Yes directly to you!

You shake your head.

Naw. Couldn’t be.

But…what if God is communicating with you--in a nonverbal way--making a little miracle happen, right in front of you? After all, God doesn’t speak to people in a human voice. He’s God…He’d do something no one else could do, just to show you it’s Him!

If so, that would mean that He is listening! Right?

He has heard you!

What if through this odd little coincidence, or answered prayer, He’s sending you--you… out of all of those billions of people--a direct personal message of reassurance? To stop worrying? To keep the faith? That everything will be all right?

Every time you receive what some call a coincidence or an answered prayer, it’s a direct and personal message of reassurance from God to you--what I call a godwink.

It’s similar to when you were a kid at the dining room table. You looked up and saw someone you loved looking back. Mom or Dad or Granddad. They gave you a little wink.

You had a nice feeling from that small silent communication.

What did it mean? Probably--“Hey kid…I’m thinking about you right this moment. I’m proud of you. Everything is going to be all right.”

That’s what a godwink is.

Every so-called coincidence or answered prayer is God’s way of giving you His small, silent, communication. A little wink saying, “Hey kid! I’m thinking of you…right now!”

It’s a clear message of reassurance-that not matter how uncertain your life seems at the moment, He will help move you toward certainty.

And it’s a sign that you’re never alone. In fact, you’re always on His GPS--a global positioning system I like to call God’s Positioning System...

There are no coincidences in this life.  Keep that in mind the next time a prayer seems to have been answered, or that cute boy/girl finally talks to you right when you feel you are having a difficult time with loneliness.  Just remember, the Lord knows us individually and He will provide for us individually, often through the service of others.

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Let Him Lead Quotes

In reference to my last post about letting the Lord lead, I came across two different quotes from books I am currently reading that directly apply to the principle in that post:

"God doesn't care nearly as much about where you have been 
as He does about where you are and, with His help,
where you are willing to go."
- Jeffrey R. Holland, Created For Greater Things (2011), p. 12

"My life is but a weaving between my God and me.
I do not choose the colors; He worketh steadily.
Ofttimes He weaveth sorrow, and I in foolish pride
Forget He sees the upper and I the underside.

Not till the loom is silent, and shuttles cease to fly,
Will God unroll the canvas and explain the reason why
The dark threads are as needful in the skillful Weaver's hand
As the threads of gold and silver in the pattern He has planned."

- "The Weaver" in Book of Poetry, ed. Al Bryant.
As quoted by John Bytheway in What I Wish I'd Known When I was Single (1999), p. 132

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Let Him Lead

Everything in life has a reason.

You lose a loved one... for a reason.

You meet a new friend... for a reason.

You even fall in love (and possibly have your heart broken)... for a reason.

There is so much more to this life than I think we comprehend.  Sometimes we can't see where the path will end.  What is our destination?  Are we going to make it there in one piece?  What lessons will we learn along the way?

I believe there is a lesson in everything we go through.  We can learn something from everything if we will but simply open our hearts and listen.

So much has happened to me in the last few years... It's amazing the difference just a year--a month--can make.  I look back on my life and marvel at the path it has taken.  I can see the Lord's hand interwoven throughout so much of it that I cannot adequately put into words my feelings.

There are no coincidences in this life.  We go through experiences (whether good or bad) for a reason.

Walking along the path of life can be difficult and challenging at times.  We may even stumble and lose our way for a while.  But if we exercise our faith, and just believe, we can come back to the path.

I try not to think of all the challenges and decisions I must face in the next ten years.  The different possibilities overwhelm me and I begin to doubt (especially about marriage and childbearing and then raising those children who will eventually go out into the world).

Then, I take a deep breath...

...and tell myself that everything will be alright.

As long as I remain faithful, and diligently strive to stay close to the Lord, He will guide me and walk beside me, leading me along this path of life.  He will strengthen during times of struggle.  He will comfort in time of sorrow.  But most of all, He will always be only a prayer away.

I know that with Him by my side, I will be able to accomplish many things I couldn't do otherwise.  He will be my rock, my foundation.

As much as I love having control over my life, I realize I must let Him gently guide me along and I will eventually reach my desired destination.

I realize there is a reason my mother passed away last year.  I continue to learn lessons from not only the experience, but also the type of life she lived.

I realize that many friends have come into my life for a reason, and many have left footprints on my heart that continue to linger...

I realize that the relationships I have had (both good and bad) happened for a reason.  I have learned so many things from those relationships, especially about myself.

I know that more of my loved ones will eventually go the way of all the Earth, but the Lord will always strengthen me.

I know more friends will come and go along the way, but the Lord will always be the friend who stays.

I know the relationships I have in the future will all prepare me for the one everlasting relationship I long to have, but the Lord will always be there to comfort me during times of heartache.

So let the Lord lead.  Let Him be the one you lean on.  Let Him be the one you go to for advice and counsel.

For He will give you everything.

Let Him lead.  You never know the amazing journey He will take you on.

[Image Source]