Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Fangirl Moment

I'm about to have a fangirl moment...

"Pitch Black" by RattledMachine on dA     [Image Source]

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

The Random Guardian Kitten Graduates!

It feels like forever since I have written!  A lot has happened (other than school...)

Remember this post I did back in February about Panser and how great she is?  Well I just so happened to send her a package in the mail...

The poster of Panser and magnets I made for her.
The poster was purchased at

Just the magnets...

Magnet Pikachu close-up!
I wanted her to sign the poster and keep the magnets.  I also included a hand written letter to her.  She gets a lot of stuff in the mail and I wanted to give her something unique.  On top of that... check this video out where I am mentioned in the first 1:35!

Great, right????  I was ECSTATIC!!!!!  And she said she was going to send me something back (on top of the signed poster!). Well yesterday... guess what arrived in the mail finally?


"Melissa, You're in my [hearts] ^_^  /2 Panser"
(For those who don't know, "/2" is her TradeChat logo)

So she sent the poster back signed, utilizing her famous "sign-off" saying ("I love you all, you're in my hearts").  She also sent back one of her handmade hair bows (super cute!) and her business card (the cute animated Panser) that has all her contact information on the back of it.  Needless to say, it made my day!

And in other news... for my birthday my dad gave me something truly wonderful:

Birthday 2013
My dad knows how much I love "Rise of the Guardians" (2012) and I was so excited to start reading these!  I actually finished a few weeks ago and they are GREAT!  They help to shed a lot of light on the characters in the movie (mainly their back stories).  I found Bunny to be very different, but I LOVED the book version of Bunnymund and especially his "rivalry" with North.  Though the book series isn't finished yet (the movie is supposedly years after the books end), I am anxious to see how things turn out.  I'm also surprised that NONE of Pitch's back story made it into the movie!!  It's so heartbreaking...

These books are a great and easy read, especially if you enjoyed the movie or like C.S. Lewis' style of writing (as though you are sitting on your grandfather's knee and he's telling you a story).  The world Joyce has created is fantastic and magical!

Dad and I also adopted a new cat!  Needless to say, her and Squeaky have yet to get along...

Meet Abbi!

She's one year old!
Now that she is more familiar with the environment, we have found she is an incredible talker.  We have decided she is mostly mane coon because she displays a lot of the characteristics of that breed, including talking and loving water (she plays in her water dish).  She also has the pointed ears (see first picture) which is a sign of mane coon.

Hopefully she will get along with our 9 year old cat soon... I think they would make great companions for one another.

Switching topics!  (Do you like my transition there?) ^-^

School is keeping me super busy (hence the lack of posts).  But I found out something amazing last week...

I may be able to graduate with my  
Bachelor's Degree next spring!!!!

Whaaaa???  I was rather overwhelmed and had a quarter-life crisis!  I don't know what I want to be when I grow up!  What am I supposed to do when I don't have to worry about homework or paying for tuition?  Does such a world even exist?

I just don't know.

These are just a few of the things that have been happening in my life recently.  A lot of changes have occurred and a lot of growth has happened.  This semester seems to be rushing by!

So until next time!  Go out and enjoy the sunshine!  (If you are experiencing it, that is.  If not, enjoy the sunshine when it decides to come out!)