Thursday, November 27, 2014

~ * ~ 65 Random Things About Myself ~ * ~

I've seen this done on other blogs and I find them very interesting (it helps me realize I'm not as weird as I sometimes think).  Who knows!  Maybe I'll have something in common with you!

1. I started my first job at the age of 18 and have stayed with the company for the last 8 years.  (Talk about commitment!)
2.  I love to break the register at work (make it display funny error messages) and find out problems with the coding.
3.  I absolutely love the Asian culture (obviously), but I don't know exactly why or what started it.  [See #23]
4. My favorite type of food is sushi.  [See #32]

5.  I'm rather fond of things that are different/unique.
6.  I'm not a huge fan of cooking, but I believe that it's simply a mental obstacle and once I start cooking (or befriend someone who loves to do it) I will enjoy it much more.  [See #18]
7.  My favorite animal is a tiger.
8.  My bedroom could also be classified as a library because of how many books I own (and not having access to a library card doesn't help the decreasing bookshelf space).
9.  Up until recently, I had never flown on a plane.  It wasn't as scary as I thought it would be.*

*This picture may not reflect opinion stated above.
10.  I created my own daily planner using Excel and a mini binder.  I absolutely love it.
11.  I haven't listened to English music in over 8 months.
12.  My favorite music group is Super Junior, where my favorite song writer is David Hodges (though they are in no way related).
13.  In high school, I went through a "goth" faze, but never got around to dying my hair black.
14.  Now (ten years later) I can't seem to get enough bright colors in my life!
15.  I absolutely adore my co-workers and the people that I serve.
16.  I can easily spend hours on YouTube watching vloggers.

17.  My favorite holiday is Christmas as the Spirit is amazing, (and I'm not referring to the materialistic spirit).
18.  My mother suffered from a degenerative disease called Rheumatoid Arthritis for most of my life, and doing simple daily tasks were very painful and challenging.  [See #6]
19.  I am the "President" of a creative writing group with nearly a dozen of my friends, and I love being with them!
20.  My favorite thing to do with friends is go out to eat, window shop, or simply watch funny videos/movies with them.
21.  My favorite movie genre would be technically classified as "Family" or "Children" as I LOVE the animated movies such as Rise of the Guardians, Kung Fu Panda, Madagascar, Megamind for their stories and morals that are taught.
22.  I'm definitely a story-kind of girl.  If the plotline doesn't make sense or isn't interesting (mindless action scenes, etc.), I won't enjoy it.
23. When I was a child, my best friend growing up was from Cambodia.  [Possible reason for #3?]
24.  I am normally very suspicious of people due to my trust being broken in the past.  However I am working on improving this.
25.  I am an only child and wish I had siblings.
26.  Some of my favorite vloggers on YouTube to watch are: Dodger Leigh, Random Panser, Marikplier, and Mary Doodles.  [*Not all content on their channels I approve of, however I do love their vlogs when they simply talk about their daily life]
27.  My birthday is in February and lies on the border with the horoscope calendar, so I have mixed qualities of both Aquarius and Pisces (if you believe in horoscopes).
28.  My mother passed away April 22, 2011 and there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her.
29.  I love fruit, especially during the wintertime.
30.  I have only experienced two "Snow Days" in my entire life, though I have lived in the state with the "greatest snow on earth" my entire life.
31.  My dad and I are really close and have similar personalities (you've been warned).
32.  I love breakfast meals (pancakes, waffles, eggos, bacon, sausage, hash browns, etc.).  It's probably my second favorite food.  [See #4]
33.  I have over 19 hours of kpop music on my iPod and I love every minute of it.

[Image Source]
34.  I wish I had a great sense of style and accessorizing like other girls with short hair, but I don't. [See #54]
35.  I don't even have my ears pierced!
36.  Thanks to my first boyfriend, I'm no longer afraid to be my true self.
37.  Overall I am a generally happy person.  I will act happy even when I'm not, but once you get to know me, you'll be able to tell when I'm having a hard time.
38.  My favorite New Testament story is the story of a man named Legion and how Christ heals him.  For some reason that story has stood out to me for years.
39.  My favorite Book of Mormon story is Alma the Younger's life story.
40.  I love looking for symbolism in life.
41.  I can't wait to go through the temple [See #40].  But I don't have plans to receive my endowment as I would really like to go through the temple my first time with my future husband.  I am temple worthy and hold a baptismal recommend however.
42.  My dream is to someday do an Asian tour and visit all the countries.
43.  I plan to meet someone "famous" in my life.
44.  My guilty pleasure is YouTube, Netflix, and DramaFever.  They will be my downfall.
45.  I love to set weekly goals and strive to accomplish them.
46.  I love video editing (mainly making movie trailers) but after killing my third computer, I stopped.
47.   I miss the days when life was simpler and my greatest concern was whether it was going to be sunny enough to play Power Rangers outside or not.
48.  I am not a big video game person, but I do have friends who are (and I obviously follow YouTubers who are HUGE gamers, but I myself am not one).  [See #26]
49.  I haven't had a serious boyfriend in years (mainly because I told the Lord what I wanted and He was kind enough to bless me with it... though now I'm not so sure I can wait for the blessing).
50.  I am on an adventure called Life and I love every moment.

51.  I would not change anything in my past, for by doing so, I would change the person I am today and I don't want that.
52.  I'm far from perfect, and I hope my future husband has some flaws or I'm going to feel extremely inferior.
53.  As a child, I was never into "girly" things.  In fact, when McDonald's would have the different toys for girls and boys (barbies for girls, Hotwheel's cars for boys) I would cry if I ended up with a barbie because I wanted the car.  Yeah, I was THAT child.  But look at how well rounded I turned out! :)
54.  My entire wardrobe could do with a makeover [See #34].
55.  I can't speak another language, but if I could, it would be Korean.  But I am trying!
56.  I do not have a single scar and I have never broken a bone.  (as of yet)
57.  I graduated with a degree in Family, Consumer, and Human Development, with an emphasis on Community Services.  Basically, I want to work with helping families have a better life.
58.  I originally wanted to major in Psychology, but I hated the medical diagnosis side and loved the application side.  [Hence #57]
59.  I took art all 4 years in high school, but I don't consider myself an artist in the least.
60.  I enjoy writing and coming up with stories.  It's the organizing different scenes into a coherent storyline that I struggle with.
61.  When I was little, I used to eat chapstick; specifically the strawberry flavored kind (Smackers brand).
62.  I didn't like raspberries until after high school because of the "little hairs" but yet I love to each peaches with the skin on (fuzz and all!).  (Side note: I did wash the peach first.)
63.  I'm a total geek at heart. <3
64.  I enjoy playing European table top games ("Euro Games").  My favorites include Dominion, Carcassonne, and Tsuro.  I even wanted to start a weekly game night with friends!
65.  I would LOVE to adopt Asian children once I'm married.  They're ADORABLE!!

I'm going to stop it here.  If you want to get to know me better, feel free to contact me. :)

Monday, November 17, 2014

Motivional Monday

Because I am so busy this semester (and it's not always a good day), I find having motivational quotes in my daily planner has helped, especially when they are quotes by people I love or look up to.  Here is a sampling:

"There are no bad days, just good stories."  
~ Dodger Leigh {YouTuber}

"Believe in yourself... 
There will always be people who'll say... you should just forget your dreams because they're unrealistic.  But dreams are supposed to be unrealistic!  You're supposed to be able to reach for the stars.  You're supposed to be able to reach as high as you can and push yourself as far as you can go, because you never know what your limits are until you reach them." 
~ Markiplier {YouTuber}

~ Super Junior
[Translation: "Keep on fighting!" or "You can do it!"]

"Sometimes the bad things in life put us directly on the path to the best things we will ever experience." 
~ Unknown

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Walking On the Sea of Life

The Church recently released the following Bible Video:

The story of Peter walking on the water is one that is near and dear to my heart.

Matthew 14: 22-33
22) And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into a ship, and to go before him unto the other side, while he sent the multitudes away. 
23) And when he had sent the multitudes away, he went up into a mountain apart to pray: and when the evening was come, he was there alone. 
24) But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves: for the wind was contrary. 
25) And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. 
26) And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. 
27) But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. 
28) And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. 
29) And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus. 
30) But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me. 
31) And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt? 
32) And when they were come into the ship, the wind ceased. 
33) Then they that were in the ship came and worshipped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Son of God. 
So often in life we walk atop the waters of life, having faith in Christ, but when outer forces seek to bring us down, our faith waivers and we begin to sink.

"O thou of little faith..."

But if we cry out, Christ will immediately stretch forth His hand and catch us.

If we remain focused on the Lord and not let the outer forces distract us, we will be able to walk on the sea of Life and reach our destination.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Walking By Faith

In order to complete my Bachelor's degree, they require a practicum (or "internship").  I am required to gain 300 hours of hands-on experience in my field of study. I was going to do it over the summer, but I felt so confused and lost.  I was literally wandering around in the dark waiting for the Lord to answer my prayers.  Funny thing is, when I finally made a decision (as opposed to waiting) I felt a strong confirmation that I was where I was supposed to be.

As a result, in September I started volunteering at a local domestic violence shelter (as my emphasis is helping families in the community).  What we do is help individuals who have suffered from abuse, by providing a safe place for them to come if they are seeking shelter and counseling onsite that help the client get back on their feet.  I'm amazed at what a great resource this is for my community and I'm proud to be a part of it!  The individuals (staff) who work there are phenomenal!  At first I was terrified at the prospect of being one on one with a client as I asked about their experience.  But the other night (my second check-in shadowing) I had a neat experience:

The client is not native to America, so her English is a bit rough, but clear enough to understand.  The advocate I was shadowing had a hard time hearing her because the client spoke softly, so I was able to help the advocate understand what the client was saying.  Then, once the check-in process was complete, I had the awesome opportunity of showing the client around the shelter.  Her eyes just lit up.  No longer afraid, peace filled her eyes for the first time that night.  She was going to be alright.  And as I took her up to the room she'd be staying in, my heart was so filled with joy at being able to help this individual, it could have burst.  I know that was the Spirit of the Lord.

"I Walk By Faith" by Judy Cooley
You see, for a long while now (since Spring) I have felt completely lost when it came to my future.  I didn't know what I was going to do, where my life was headed, etc.  As you know if you've followed my blog for a while, I had expected to be married, hopefully staying at home with the kids, etc.  My life was not turning out the way I had hoped and it left me feeling like I was walking blind.  The Lord obviously had different plans for my life, but I would have liked to know them!  Then I had a glimmer of revelation when I thought of going to South Korea to teach English.  It gave me hope and excitement.  I knew that would be at least a year away, so what was I going to do for my practicum?  My immediate future?

The feeling I experienced the other night at my Practicum was like a light shining on my dark path.  I came home feeling energized and excited.  It was as if the Lord was telling me, "This is where you are supposed to be right now, Melissa."  I have not given up hope for gong to Korea.  But after the other night, I feel more peace at where I'm currently at in life.  And that feeling is incredible.

And last night I came across the following scripture that really captured my feelings:

"There are many mysteries which are kept, that no one knoweth them save God himself. But I show unto you one thing which I have inquired diligently of God that I might know... [But] it mattereth not; for God knoweth all these things; and it sufficeth me to know that this is the case..."  ~ Alma 40: 3, 5

So even though I still am unsure about my immediate future, knowing that the Lord has a plan for my life brings me peace and hope to carry on walking my current path.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Prayers & Praying

They say to talk to Him as though He's sitting beside you. Tell Him your stories, fears, gratitude...

However, there are times in life when things seem to coast along, and we may become lax in our relationship with God. As a result, when the time comes we really need His help, we won't be close enough to hear His answer. This is not a result of Him pulling away, but rather us pulling away from Him through small, everyday decisions. If this pattern of relationship continues, it's no wonder we may feel like our prayers are bouncing off the ceiling.

Where is the heartfelt tale of the day?

What's the pun of that funny joke?

What do you need help with?

All of the above questions I can imagine The Lord asks every time we create distance within that sacred relationship.

So how do you go back to giving your whole heart over to The Lord in prayer? How do you remove the pavilion and look at the heavens more clearly?

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Be Believing

Sometimes in life, we wander through periods of wilderness.  Other times we are blessed with a land of promise.  The Lord doesn't always give us what we want, not because we don't deserve it, but rather, He knows we deserve something better.

During our times of wandering, it is important to keep the faith and continue to believe.  The following are a handful of scriptures that I find inspiring and help my faith during these dry times:

"Be not faithless, but believing." {John 20:27} 
"Fear not: believe only." {Luke 8:50} 
"Be not afraid, only believe." {Mark 5:36} 
"Doubt not, but be believing, and begin as in times of old, and come unto the Lord with all your heart..." {Mormon 9:27} 
"Believe in God; believe that he is, and that he created all things, both in heaven and in earth; believe that he has all wisdom, and all power, both in heaven and in earth; believe that man doth not comprehend all the things which the Lord can comprehend." {Mosiah 4:9} 
"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." {John 14:27} 
"Be strong and of good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee withersoever thou goest." {Joshua 1:9}

So whether you are walking through your wilderness or have made it to your Promised Land, it is important to keep in mind that the Lord is always with you and has great plans for your life, no matter where you are at in your journey.

[Image Source]
~ * ~ Fear not, but be believing. ~ * ~

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Going Abroad?

Things don't always go the way you plan.

You can have your life all laid out only to have it fall apart.

Or, in some ways, come together.

Never have I traveled.  The farthest away from "home" I have gone is an eight hour drive (one-way).  But towards the end of my schooling career (a few months ago) I had the strongest desire to travel.  I was finishing school and I wasn't romantically involved with anyone, allowing me "freedom" to do whatever I dreamed about.  But I couldn't figure out where this sudden desire to travel the world came from.

I have always wanted to go to Asia and, if I believed in reincarnation, I would swear I was Asian in a previous life.  Everything from the language to the music to the entertainment I find fascinating.  I will admit, like a fair amount of Americans, anime was my introduction to Japan (and Asia in general).  But then I started listening to music and quickly fell in love with the language.  For years, I listened to Japanese music (mostly Visual Kei, Jpop, and some solo artists).  However, it became more and more difficult to find, much less obtain.

And then I saw SHINee's "Lucifer" and my world changed.

The editor in me was blown away with their timing in regards to dance and video editing.  It wasn't just SHINee's videos either, but several artists' videos.  Then I realized how broadly advertised this "kpop" was on YouTube.  BILLIONS of views on thousands of videos.  And the best part?  I could legally purchase the music from iTunes and support the artists that I love (like Super Junior).

Music unites us and makes us realize that underneath all the external differences, our internal heart feels the same.  We experience similar emotions: we cry when we're hurt, laugh when we're happy, and smile when we're in love.

And I have fallen in love with a country all over again.

It's not that I don't love Japan any less, but I love South Korea just as much and my desire to go to both countries skyrocketed.

I saw a teaching opportunity to go to Seoul, South Korea and teach English to children at the beginning of the summer.  Asian children are ADORABLE!!!  (If you don't believe me, go watch this YouTube video).  When I saw the offer, I had one of those instant gut reactions: "Yes!  I want to do this!"  And it has stayed in the back of my mind ever since.  Going abroad would be a HUGE change for me, but it would be an absolutely incredible experience; one I would cherish for the rest of my life.

The more I think about going to Seoul, the more I want to go to Seoul.

[Image Source:]
In anticipation of living my dream, I have begun seriously studying a foreign language for the first time in years.  안녕하세요!  As excited as I am to know at some point I want to travel abroad, I admit I don't want (or plan) to make the trip alone.  It would be so nice to take a friend or a travel buddy, as sharing the journey with another person is a crucial part of the experience (in my opinion).  Not to mention the safety it provides.

Maybe I should just sit back, save, and dream.  Then, in a few years, I'll have learned enough Korean to get me around and perhaps I will have a travel buddy lined a *cough*husband*cough* I think an Asian tour would make for an amazing Honeymoon, don't you?


...Maybe I would even get to attend a few kpop concerts. ;)

~ * ~ * ~ Reader Involvement ~ * ~ * ~

Where would you go and travel if money and time were not a problem?  Why do you want to visit that country?  Comment below!

Thursday, July 24, 2014


I have a confession to make.

I haven't willingly listened to English music in over a month.

Super Junior is by far my favorite group and I own over 6 hours 
of their music alone with a total of over 10 hours of KPOP music 
on my iPod constantly playing.

Kyuhyun is my favorite.  
[Beautiful artwork of Kyuhyun done by Coyote777 on]

I first fell in love with his amazing voice...
[At the very least, go to 3:50 and watch 20 seconds.  It'll take your breath away.]

But then I discovered his personality. 

Though Kyuhyun is my favorite, I love all the members and they 
continue to grow on me as I learn more about each of them.  
[Beautiful art done by lvr94clan on]

The Pledge of an ELF


If you do not understand the above, let me break it down for you: 

ELF stands for Everlasting Friend and is 
what fans of Super Junior are called

PROM15E to love all 15 members

13ELIEVE in the 13

10VE the remaining 10

PROT3CT the missing 3

NEVER F0RGET any of them

The last line I saw on a random site 
but I changed the "O" to a zero (0) 
because I don't plan to ever forget.

The following video makes my heart beat with joy.  
I am proud to be an Everlasting Friend of Super Junior!! 
Paint the World
 Pearl Sapphire Blue 

~ * ~ Welcome to the Fandom ~ * ~

Sunday, June 1, 2014

June Changes

June is going to be a month of great growth and change for me. "I can feel it... in my belly!"

All areas of my life will change this month:

- Academic: My practicum will give me hands-on experience with working in my field (though, as of tonight, I am still looking for a site) and is needed before I can get my diploma.
- Spiritual: I'm going to revamp my spiritual life and make studying the scriptures and pondering an essential part of my life.
- Physical: I am going to get in shape! For so long I've had it as a goal, and this month I'm tackling it!!
- Social: My writing group of friends (Inklings) are doing NaNoWriMo this month (since November is the worst possible time for us to write).
- Romance: I'm determined to boost the area of my love life. I'm watching a seminar and it has really motivated me to put myself out there, take some risks, and just have fun when it comes to dating.
- Mental: When I see "small" projects around the house, I just need to DO them; like taking that basket of old clothes to charity, or selling old DVDs to our local video store for cash.

These all seem to be items that were pushed aside because they are not a priority. Well I'm MAKING them a priority this month.

Then maybe next month I'll tackle cooking. ;)

Saturday, April 19, 2014


I'm human. I'm not perfect.

I feel obligated to admit that the YouTube lent is going really well, but 1) I haven't done as much spiritual study/pondering as I was hoping for; and 2) I have slipped and seen an occasional video once in a while in the last two weeks (for a grand total of maybe 15 minutes).

BUT, I haven't watched ANY Dodger... and that's saying something, especially when it's my last two weeks of school and final exams and projects are bearing down hard. Sometimes all I want to do is curl up with Coffehtime and get lost in her adventures of life (and, of course, cat stories). Not to mention watching her Let's Play videos where she does hilarious voice acting and narration (especially the visual novels/love sims).

So if I'm not spending my time on YouTube or Netflix, and I still am not pleased with my spiritual studying... what AM I spending all my extra time doing, you ask?

Well for starters, I'm doing a lot more writing! I have a writing group now and we have a blast every week. We get together on Thursday evenings and read stories out loud, provide constructive criticism, laugh, and play games. It's seriously the best thing ever. As a result of this group, I'm more encouraged to write and finish my Destroyer story that has been with me for years. And it's working! I've got about ten chapters written so far, and a lot more on the way!

Another task I have busied myself with is homework, sadly enough. But I am in my last two weeks of my college career and after my internship this summer, I will have no more homework! Hallelujah!! So I just need to push through and conquer. I'm almost done...

So, in the end, I have had a few slip-ups, mistakes, and course corrections, but I still feel like YouTube lent is a good thing for me. Now to set some goals to make me stretch and do even more! I'm not quite half-way done with my 40-day fast, but I can see the potentially great effect it can have on my life.

I'm human. I'm not perfect.

But I can grow and change.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Lent For Growth

I like to think that I am constantly improving, constantly changing for the better.  But sometimes, I realize activities or things I choose to make priorities in my life don't always necessitate growth.  For a while now, I have indulged in a hobby and thoroughly enjoyed it, however it has come at the cost of other more important tasks.  This hobby is not something that is helping me grow, especially spiritually.  Lately I have felt starved spiritually and even though it is Conference Weekend for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (where we get to listen to apostles and prophets speak for ten hours), my spirit remains hungry.

I have pondered why this may be.  The answer is not new.  I have had feelings such as these before and set goals for myself to mitigate the time I spent on this hobby in hopes of being more productive in other areas of my life.  The goals worked for a time, but eventually I fell back into old habits and the cycle repeated itself.

I am talking about my addiction to YouTube.

Yes, the dreaded Tube.  In the last six months my "addiction" has spiraled out of control.  I will stay awake late into the night (sometimes all night) to watch videos of bloggers rambling, do-it-yourself projects, and other random colorful images flash before my eyes.  Having an affinity for video editing, I am drawn to YouTube.  I find the editing, stories, and other such aspects intriguing.

There is one YouTuber in particular who I admire a great deal.  Her name is Dodger Leigh and she has a gaming channel called PressHeartToContinue and a personal blogging channel called DexterityBonus in which she does daily "Coffeh" times and rambles about her life.  I'm addicted to DexterityBonus because of her humor, impressions, stories, and insights.
But as much I have enjoyed watching multiple Dodger videos every single day, spending many hours with her, I have decided it's time for a change.

No, the change isn't because I no longer like the girl.  Rather it's a change I feel is necessary if I want to get back upon my spiritual feet.  You see, lately (as in the pass few weeks) I have felt myself drifting away from my Heavenly Father and my testimony becoming brittle, like a candle whose wick is burning low.  This is not to say I don't believe in Him or Jesus Christ anymore, it's more that I feel like I have shut out a good friend and I need to find the courage to open the door again.  Finding that courage is going to require discipline and humility, without any distractions.

And right now, I can't afford distractions in my life.  I'm graduating college and have no idea what I'm going to do after that!  I need divine assistance, yet I can't get myself to open the door.  I know He's on the other side, waiting... But I'm too darn prideful!

YouTube provides a nice escape for me to run to when I don't want to open that door.

I am tired of running.

It's time to face who I am and strengthen my relationship with Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ.

So how am I going to do this?

Have you heard of Lent?  It is a period of 40 days prior to Easter in which many Christian religions participate.  Individuals "give up" or fast from something they love for a period of 40 days in the hopes of becoming a better person or connecting with God (much like when Christ went 40 days in the desert to commune with His Father).  In my case, I want to go without YouTube for 40 days in hopes of strengthening my conversion to the Gospel.  I know Lent has actually already started (in fact, it's more than half over by now), but I figure it doesn't matter when I start, just as long as I do something.

Now, I have made goals like this before.  I have said, "No YouTube for one week."  And let me tell you, it was killer.  So 40 days seems like an eternity to me without amazing COFFEH time videos... But what makes this fast different is the fact that I'm not simply going without YouTube to see if I can or because the week is busy.  No, I'm going without YouTube with the distinct purpose of drawing closer to my Father in Heaven and Savior Jesus Christ.

It's like working out: you can exercise to lose weight and succeed only to return to old habits once you've reached your goal, or you can choose to exercise to live a healthier life and be happier (a goal which is ongoing and doesn't have a set end-date).  I prefer to choose the second option.  Losing weight is simply a bonus!

Likewise, quitting YouTube for 40 days to grow spiritually is the goal.  Breaking my addiction is simply a bonus!

To all of you who are currently doing Lent, or wish to join me in giving up something you enjoy, I want to say good luck!  And if you have any suggestions or encouraging tips to help me (and others) through this challenge, please feel free to comment below!

We can conquer this!

Sunday, February 23, 2014

This Is Our Purpose

"Our Heavenly Father, who gives us so much to delight in, also knows that we learn and grow and become stronger as we face and survive the trials through which we must pass... Such difficulties allow us to change for the better, to rebuild our lives in the way our Heavenly Father teaches us, and to become something different from what we were—better than we were, more understanding than we were, more empathetic than we were, with stronger testimonies than we had before.

"This should be our purpose—to persevere and endure, yes, but also to become more spiritually refined as we make our way through sunshine and sorrow. Were it not for challenges to overcome and problems to solve, we would remain much as we are, with little or no progress toward our goal of eternal life."

- President Thomas S. Monson, "I Will Not Fail Thee, nor Forsake Thee" November 2013

"Good Timber"
Douglass Malloch

The tree that never had to fight
For sun and sky and air and light,
But stood out in the open plain
And always got its share of rain,
Never became a forest king
But lived and died a scrubby thing.

The man who never had to toil
To gain and farm his patch of soil,
Who never had to win his share
Of sun and sky and light and air,
Never became a manly man
But lived and died as he began.

Good timber does not grow with ease:
The stronger wind, the stronger trees;
The further sky, the greater length;
The more the storm, the more the strength.
By sun and cold, by rain and snow,
In trees and men good timbers grow.

Where thickest lies the forest growth,
We find the patriarchs of both.
And they hold counsel with the stars
Whose broken branches show the scars
Of many winds and much of strife.
This is the common law of life.

[Image Source]

Monday, February 17, 2014

A Million Miles Apart {iPod Shuffle Game}

I came across this game on tumblr and thought it sounded fun. What you do is you shuffle all the songs on your iPod and the first lyric line of each song is that line in your poem. Here's mine:

1. A perfect day is spending my life with you
2. Everytime I see your face
3. Stay with me
4. I know you want to talk
5. Never knew I could feel like this
6. Hey, time won't wait
7. This is my December
8. I look away
9. [I] Never win first place
10. I know your dreams
11. Ecstasy is all you need
12. Dear angel of mine
13. Another day is going by
14. I walked through the door with you
15. Creator of the universe
16. I get lost in you
17. Drinking wine and thinking bliss
18. I was tired of my lady
19. She was watching the taxi driver as he pulled away
20. I was betrayed
21. Too many broken hearts fallen in the river
22. I won't suffer, be broken, get tired, or wasted
23. Well, I know just what it is you want
24. Here it comes
25. Never had an ordinary day
26. When darkness is no less
27. Like a man on a wire
28. Bravo! Bravo!
29. Baby, baby, baby, you're my voodoo child
30. We're standing face to face but a million miles apart

1. "Nothing But Love" - David Hodges
2. "Falling In" - Lifehouse
3. "Kiss Me Slowly" - Parachute
4. "Shame On Me" - Ryan Cabrera
5. "Come What May" - Moulin Rouge Soundtrack
6. "Simple Things" - Jim Brickman
7. "My8. "Fall to Pieces" - Avril Lavigne
9. "Don't Let Me Get Me" - P!nk
10. "More Than Love" - Sweetbox
11. "Big Machine" - Goo Goo Dolls
12. "Dear Angel" - April Sixth
13. "I'd Do Anything" - Simple Plan
14. "All Too Well" - Taylor Swift
15. "Make Us Whole" - David Hodges
16. "Guessing" - Against the Current
17. "Crystal Ball" - P!nk
18. "Escape" - Rupert Holmes
19. "Waiting For Superman" - Daughtry
20. "Angel In Disguise" - Cinema Bizarre
21. "The Things We Do For Love" - Spectacular! Soundtrack
22. "Attack" - 30 Seconds to Mars
23. "Halfway" - Parachute
24. "Space Cowboy" - Nsync
25. "Emma" - Katherine Nelson
26. "Dawn" - Poets of the Fall
27. "Saving Grace" - The Afters
28. "Bravo" - Kessler
29. "Voodoo Child" - Rogue Traders
30. "Falling Out of Love" - Age of Information

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Writing Chaos

2014 is the year I am going to write my book.  End of story.

No pun intended.

But seriously, I knew I had lots of notes regarding the series scattered about.  Most were in notebooks, especially entire scenes, but others were on scrap pieces of paper, some of which were frantically scribbled on sticky-notes in an attempt to capture the moment.  Trying to gather all of these notes have been quite a chore.  I still feel as though I'm missing some notes, but I haven't been able to find them.  However, in my search I discovered two more full notebooks (back to front, both sides of the paper filled), along with random sheets spread throughout my school notebooks (which I have since torn out and put with my collection).

The collection is growing.

I think the reason I haven't written this story sooner is because the story world keeps expanding, and as exciting as that is, the thought of compiling all of the notes into one cohesive story feels nearly impossible.

But, I have my grandmother in me and when I become determined, I can accomplish almost anything (except flying... I haven't sprouted wings yet).

In an effort to become more organized, I discovered the wonderful world of Evernote.  It's a program/website that is an amazing tool, as it allows you to tag items and group certain things together and has numerous other advantages.  One of my favorites is that I can access my content anywhere on any device that I have.  This allows for quick notes on the run, and you never know when inspiration might strike!  My dad uses it all the time for work and I thought it might be useful in containing the chaos in my mind.  So far it's amazing.

I'm also looking into starting a writing group with friends in an attempt to help keep me motivated.  Writing buddies are wonderful things.  Hopefully we'll have our first meeting this next month.

Do you have any tips on organizing your thoughts and stories?  Have you ever felt like I do--in that the thoughts of tackling a story seem impossible.  If so, how did you how did you overcome?  Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Write on! :)

Monday, January 20, 2014

New Year New Goal

It's a new year.

As such, I want to mention one goal out of several I have.  This will be the year that I write my novel (from Destroyer Series).  I'm tired of simply writing "scenes" and "snippets" and keeping everything in three notebooks and two folders.  It's time I organize my creative thoughts from the past 5 years and turn it into something tangible.  I'm kind of frustrated it has taken so long for me to get to this point of no return--in that I'm ready to go down this path head first, dang the consequences!  I'm doing this.

I'm hoping to write at least a little bit every day.  I think that's the trick.  Even if I'm only working on developing something or learning more about my characters, as long as I am touching the world I have created, it will help.

So here is to a year of writing, new ideas, and epic stories!  Bring it on 2014!!