Saturday, February 11, 2012

Game Nights

Recently, I got together with a friend and we played the game Dominion.

I don't know how many of you out there have played this game, but according to Rio Grande Game's Official Site (the publisher of the game), it is their #1 selling game.

After having played it, I now see why it's so popular.

It is a strategy card game that is different every time you play it, which is one of the draws to the game.  There is a great amount of strategy involved, but there's also a fair amount of luck since your strategy will depend on what you draw out of your pile of cards.

This specific game piqued my interests when I stumbled across a review on YouTube who simply raved about it.  I was hesitant to purchase it because, being a "Euro Game" (made in Europe) the game isn't exactly a $10 game you can pick up at your local Walmart store.  These types of games are often more complex than your traditional Sorry! or Clue, and are extremely well built!  The playing pieces for any Euro Game I have come in contact with are usually a very sturdy cardboard and beautiful artwork.

I recently became interested in board games (like "Euro Gaming") a couple years ago when I first played the game Carcasssonne.  I simply fell in love with it, and since collecting is something I enjoy doing, I made it a point to collect the expansions, and currently have nearly all of them (aside from the Cardcassonnne and other "side" games).

Carcassonne opened the door for gaming into my life.  And since that fateful day I bought my first Big Box, I have loved gaming ever since.

Therefore, I would love to have a big game night and simply play tons of games--some new, some weird, some favorites, etc.

I have another friend who used to do a weekly game night.  Her and a group of friends got together once a week and played Killer Bunnies.  They did this for nearly three years before they had to quit due to people getting married (some of which met at this weekly game night!), people moving away, and life getting busy.  I attended a couple of these game nights and they were a BLAST!  Granted, they all knew how to play the game and I easily became lost and confused, but it was way fun!

And talk about a good wholesome activity to get people together!

I would gladly (and seriously) host a weekly game night, but unlike my friend, I would probably vary it up and play different games.  My only problem (and the reason I haven't already done it) is because of spacing reasons.

But perhaps someday I will host a weekly game night!  After all, what better way to play new games and socialize than once a week with friends?

What type of games would you play at a weekly game night?

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