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Book Haul 2/22/2012 |
As you can tell, I purchased a lot of classics. I don't read classics very often, and so I haven't collected them. But who can turn down a steal of a deal?
Starting at the top:
"Heartfire" by Orson Scott Card
I mainly purchased it because it sounded interesting and it's Orson Scott Card! I'll be honest, I didn't realize that it was book 5 in a series until I got home... oh well! It will still be interesting, I am sure!
"The Count of Monte Cristo" byAlexandre Dumas
I absolutely love the movie and I have heard the book is better. I look forward to reading this one!
"First Meetings In Ender's Universe" by Orson Scott Card
Purchased this one because it belongs with Ender's Game. (Even though I still need to read that book--it's on my reading list for this year!).
"The Last Lecture" by Randy Pausch
I have watched his lecture videos and I thoroughly enjoyed them! Talk about inspiring! I have been meaning to buy the book for quite some time now... I guess waiting for things you want really does pay off in the end, doesn't it? ^-^
"The Secret: The Power" by Rhonda Byrne
This is an addition to the acclaimed The Secret, which I have not read. However, I do plan to purchase The Secret and I look forward to reading both of these books. (The Secret was no included on this $1 sale. Trust me, I asked!)
"Mythology: Timeless Tales of Gods and Heroes" by Edith Hamilton
Finally!! A mythology book that I can get my head around! I have been wanting a good ancient Greek mythology book for some time now (years in fact) that tells the stories of heroes like Hercules and many other classics! Way excited about this find!
"The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" by Mark Twain
What a great classic! How can you not include this one in your collection?
"The Prince and the Pauper" by Mark Twain
Another must-have classic.
"Pride and Prejudice and Zombies" by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-smith
I've heard good things about this book, despite not being a huge zombie fan.
"The Call of the Wild" by Jack London
Yay for wolves!! Excited to read this classic!
"White Fang" by Jack London
I remember vaguely having to read this book for an English class back in junior high, but I don't recall hardly anything about it. Another classic I will enjoy reading!
"The Tale of Two Cities" by Charles Dickens
I have never read this book, nor do I know much about the story (hence the reason I purchased it now). But you can never go wrong with Dickens!
"The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes" by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Another classic I have never read, but I enjoy Sherlock! So this should be interesting!
"The Odyssey" by Homer
Started reading this and found it piqued my interests. Again, another very well known classic I have never had the chance to read.
"A Midsummer Night's Dream" by William Shakespeare
Yet another classic. I've heard this is one of Shakespeare's works that is quite humorous.
"Complete Sonnets" by William Shakespeare
Beautiful. Poems are wonderful things... (And did I mention, I have Alan Rickman reading sonnets??? I will definitely be listening to him while reading along now!!)
"Four Great Tragedies" by William Shakespeare
This includes: Hamlet, Macbeth, Othello, and Romeo and Juliet. What collection is complete without these timeless classics?
"Lovelock" by Orson Scott Card and Kathryn H. Kidd
This book simply looked interesting. Kind of reminded me of Rise of the Planet of the Apes for some reason... But I am sure they are quite different. ^-^
Obviously there are other classics I did not buy, mainly because we sold out of them (I was a little late getting first dibs). But I am content with what I bought, and to tell you the truth, I probably wouldn't have purchased some of these if they hadn't been so cheap! But ONE DOLLAR?! Of course I can spend that...
You can view the complete list (from above) here.
Or you can also view my complete library (which I continue to update).
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