Some people enter our life and quickly leave... others stay awhile and keep us company.
To quote one of my favorite fictional characters, "It's not the time that matters, it's the person." [The Doctor from BBC's Doctor Who TV series]
I like you have had known many people through-out my life. Some have great impact than others, but I have learned something from each of them. All my friends and loved ones hold a special place in my heart. Many of them have drifted away from me as our lives have taken different courses. Many more have I met this very year that have blessed my life tremendously.
I would like to share with you some of the things I have learned from people in my life, in hopes that it might make you ponder about how others have affected your own life.
(**Note: I attempted to do the names in order of when I met you/when you influenced my life the most).
You taught me many things when I was young. How to do chores, how to count money, how to write... But your example of dedication to the Gospel is what I will always remember. And more importantly, the love you had--and continue to have--for me. Even though you are no longer here with me in this life, your example of strength and endurance, even during the most difficult of days, will forever be in my heart. I love you, Mom. I miss you.
You have been my best friend since I was a child. And it's true even to this day. One of the greatest things you have ever taught me (aside from Gospel truths) is the importance of laughter. My world would not turn without laughter. Laughter every day is essential for happiness in this life. Laughter truly is the very best medicine. You have also taught me the importance of talking and how that is the means by which I best express myself and work through problems. I will forever be your little girl. =)
Kanika E.
Growing up we had the best of times and we had the worst of times. I hold fond memories of our times in the Playroom, playing House or whatever other game we desired that afternoon. I remember the sleep-overs we shared, and watching Nick-at-Nite. Not to mention Mario Brothers! But, when I think back to that time, you know what I am reminded of the most? Over these years I am still amazed that you have continued to reach out and contact me. You continuing striving to keep us together. You have taught me the value of friendship, and that even years later, you can still be friends.
Katie S.
(aka Rabbs)
Since that fateful day we met in 4th grade, I have continued to marvel at your personality. You tell the brutal truth, even when one does not want to hear it. We had been friends for years and the first fight we ever got into... was over a boy. A boy you did not want me to date. I should have listened. I should have trusted you more than I did him. Because, you were right. You were always right. And to this day, I think back on that and I realize that you have taught me that real friends speak the truth when they care about someone, even if they don't want to hear it. If it will help them be a better person, then it couldn't hurt to try, right? Thank you, and I miss hanging out with you!
Cody H.
Despite everything you did to me, and how I let you control my life, I am grateful for the experience. I know that may seem hard to understand, but I truly am. I learned so much in the year we dated. What I learned from you is to not let others determine my worth. Up until dating you, I was conscious of how I appeared to others. Even after meeting you, I changed my "image" for the group. But since everything happened, the greatest thing you taught me was to simply be true to myself. And I intend to be.
Chris H.
You were there for me during a time when I felt like no one else was. You understood what I was going through. You were always there to cheer me up and make me laugh. You reiterated what I already knew to be true: The importance of laughter in my life. For a while, I honestly thought we would get married some day. But, I know you found a beautiful woman and the cute daughter you now have must mean the world to you. I am sure you are a wonderful dad.
Colby C.
You were always there to make me laugh and bring a bit of sunshine into my life! With your crazy personality (mixed with Garrick's) I never left Art class feeling down. Your amazing talent in drawing continues to blow my mind away. I can't fathom having the skill you do. I know we had a big misunderstanding a little more than a year ago. I feel so bad about that. To this day, I am learning things about that experience (things I did, things I said) that I shouldn't have. I truly regret what happened. But, even though that experience rocked both our worlds, I have learned something amazing. Through that experience, the Spirit has taught me the power of forgiveness and how important it is to forgive one another, especially ourselves. I can't adequately describe here exactly what I have learned, but let's just say, it has changed my life. Thank you for your friendship over the years, and your artistic talent that you are showing to the world! You're a great guy, Colby. And always will be.
Josh F.
Oh, Josh. I don't know what to say. You have been a great friend to me over the years, and it's been great being able to listen to your music! You are a very talented musician and a gifted writer! But, more importantly, you are a true friend. Even after I hurt you (on a scale so deep I can only imagine) you still let me in. Thank you, Josh. Thank you for forgiving me. Thank you for getting to know me again! You have taught me the value of music and how important it is in our life. Keep playing guitar, Josh. No matter what others may say. You are good at it. And, like I told you, you never know when it might be an escape from the world.
Jennifer P.
You are truly an inspiration to me! Here you are, in Grad School, all grown up and out in the world, while I'm still sitting at home, attempting to get my Bachelor's! Not only have you taught me the value of a good education, but you have also taught me the joy in "letter writing" (or, in our case, e-mail writing). I feel so bad that I have not done more to keep in touch with you! This must change! We both have lives, and I know I'm interested in your epic adventures over at Ohio State! I am going to make it a goal to write more often! And I can't wait to see you again!! Thank you for your friendship over the years! You've been such a blessing to my life!
Mike P.
Oh, Mike! You are simply hilarious! But underneath all the banter and humor that's part of who you are, you are an amazing example of Christ and the love that He has for each one of us. You have always been so kind as to look for me at Church and shake my hand. You have taught me that the Gospel can be fun, but it also has its serious moments. Thank you for watching out for me!
Joe E.
You have been an amazing Home Teacher for the last two years!! I have thoroughly enjoyed the Spirit you bring every month to my house, without fail! But more than a Home Teacher, you have a been a dear friend. You have always looked for me at church, and always checked on me, making sure I was doing okay. I appreciate your example of what a good Home Teacher is. It truly is more than a calling or an assignment... It's a lifestyle. Thank you!
Amy J.
You are one of the sweetest people I know! You are amazing in every way! I have enjoyed getting to know you by working with you (and playing, of course!). The thing you have taught me is the value of work and how dedication is important. You are also so very caring and concerned about me, and I greatly appreciate that. You are the best!
Stacie L.
You have been such a sweet friend to me, Stacie! You were always concerned about me, always caring. This is one thing you taught me. Always reach out to others, because you never know the impact you might have on their life. And, Stacie, you have had an impact on mine. I hope to be able to serve others similar to the way in which you served me. Thank you!
Melissa P.
One of the first things I noticed about you was your humility. You are always so humble and talk in such a soft tone, which is good because it invites the spirit! It was so much fun having you as a visiting teacher and friend! I thoroughly enjoyed our visits and the Spirit brought with you wherever you went. This humility is something I now strive for. I have a long way to go, but I always remember your example and it brings me renewed strength. I know you are busy with life now (getting married has that result), but it would be fun to do something sometime! We'll have to talk!
Chris T.
You have been a good friend! I enjoyed the fun times we have had! One thing you have taught me is how to be independent. I still cannot fathom the fact that you simply left home and moved to Utah. Simple as that. It blows my mind! So, here you are, no immediate family around, and yet you're happy with living life completely on your own. You are a great example of what being self-reliant truly means. Thank you for your friendship over the years! You're awesome!
Brother H.
My favorite Institute teacher! You are amazing! I have loved taking your classes for the last three consecutive semesters! You have changed my view of Institute. When I first started taking Institute, it was more or less an "optional" class. It didn't really matter to me if I went or not. But the first day I attended your class (and you were talking about Principled vs. Circumstance/Recipe Driven), I knew something was different. There was a spark in you that I had not seen in my other teachers (and I had been "attending" Institute for 3 years prior to this class). I am so grateful that you took the time out of your busy schedule to come to my mom's funeral. I cannot tell you what it meant to me. You have helped the Spirit bring light and truth into my life that I had not felt before. I do not exaggerate when I say you have helped change my life. Granted, I know it is the Spirit teaching, but your personality and the way you went about teaching us truths, helped clear any fog our doubt in my mind. You have taught me many things, and I have learned that a true teacher does not teach from the mind. He teaches from the heart. I will forever look up to you. You are one of my heroes in this life.
Hannah H.
Oh, Hannah. Words cannot describe what I wish to convey to you. I don't know how to thank you! So much has happened this last year that has brought us together, that I don't even know where to start! You are amazing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise because I know you are amazing, based on how you have treated me and my dad this year. Getting to know you has been a blast! I have learned so much from your example and the things that you do... And your testimony and growth I have witness is truly something to behold. I like to hope that slowly some of your walls are coming down for me. (I'm working on lowering my own as well, so we're in this together!) But I would love to continue getting to know you... the real Hannah. Because she is so special, so amazing, and so very precious. Love you, Hannnah! You've had such a great impact on my life!
Kaylee C.
Inspiring. That is one word to describe you, Kaylee. You are super fun to be around and your personality is intoxicating! I love your sense of humor and your epic stories. But, more than all that, I love your testimony of the Gospel. You are a very strong, faithful member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, and you display it proudly! Your testimony burns bright in everything you do and you truly are a living example of Christ. Christ's light shines through your eyes. I've seen it, as many others have as well, I am sure. You have been a great blessing to me by not only befriending me this year, but also by the example of the life you lead. Someday, I hope to at least get up the mountain high enough to see your footprints, because you are so far ahead of me. You are a spiritual giant, Kaylee. And you're amazing.
Brian T.
You are a fun-loving easy to get along with guy. You are talented and very funny. I have enjoyed getting to know you better this last year, and I hope work is treating you well! Speaking of which, that is one thing you taught me. The value of hard work. Here you are, just 21, and you've already gone out and made something of yourself in the world. It's pretty impressive to me. Perhaps someday I may be able to do the same.
Andrew T.
You are an incredible example to me, Andrew. It has been so fun watching you change and grow as you have accepted the Gospel and been baptized. I was sincerely touched when it was announced in Church that you would be receiving the Priesthood. One of the things I have learned from you is that people can change. We can always change our lives around and accept Jesus Christ and this true church. It's been fun getting to know you better over this year!
Jordan W.
You were right. Our moms both got together in Heaven to bring us together. You're a wonderful young woman, Jordan! It's funny, I see so much of myself in you when I was about your age. Perhaps there's more than meets the eye between us. I appreciate you befriending me recently. You're funny yet very strong. You are an amazing example of strength for me, Jordan. Your mother has been gone longer than mine has, and I can see the strength you have gained. We should do monthly/bi-weekly Disney movie nights! I think that would be fun! (I would say weekly, but I think we would fly through the movies too quickly!). Anyway, it's been fun getting to know you and I do appreciate our friendship.
Joe W.
I know we just recently met each other, but in the short conversations we have had (and what little I do know about you) two things are indeed certain: You write excellent poetry, and you have an amazing and very strong testimony of this Gospel. Your testimony shines bright everytime we talk or I see you (it's in your eyes!). I love how you acknowledge the Lord's hand in your life, especially with your talents and abilities. Being able to see Christ in all things is something I continue to strive for, and I'm glad you are several steps--if not miles--ahead of me. You are a great example to me in how the Gospel needs to be a part of our everyday lives. And it can be, if we will simply look for it.
So, there you have it! I know I did not talk about everyone who has made an impact on my life, but there simply are not enough hours in the day to write about everyone!! But I love all who have been or are currently in my life. You are all such great examples to me!
Again, some people enter our life and quickly leave... others stay awhile and keep us company.
"It's not the time that matters, it's the person."
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The Road of Life
Today I went for a long drive. Approximately 120 miles, to be exact.
I find driving to be a very soothing activity (especially if one has the right kind of music blasting through the speakers) and I have had a lot on my mind lately. For starters, I feel my life is changing. There is a growing desire inside of me for a change. But I don't quite know what that change is exactly... Is it moving out? Is it relationship/marriage? Is it work-related? In either case, I feel this premonition (if you will) that a change is coming.
And it's coming sooner than I think.
A lot can happen in a short amount of time. I have seen this in my own life. I have seen people meet and get engaged within three months of meeting each other. That concept kind of blows my mind, but I'm not going to say "Well that will never happen to me" because then it probably would. Isn't that how life goes sometimes? And it is not just marriage! This last year a lot has happened in my life... a lot. For those of you who know me, you already know most that has happened. People can be gone in the blink of an eye and your world can be turned upside down faster than you can think. Life changes quickly...
So I was driving along, heading North, as I reflected on some of the things that have happened this last year and everything that has happened since August. I was blessed to realize how similar life is to a road.
On your Road of Life, you may be cruising along enjoying the ride. Perhaps it is a nice smooth ride, with little bumps in the road. You might even occasionally stop to enjoy the scenery! At other times on your trip, you might encounter areas where there are potholes and debris. During those hazardous times, I encourage you to do as President Uchtdorf taught, "Slow down!"
The curves of life can sometimes be a difficult obstacle. But if we slow down and follow the path, we will not run off the road and crash. We may not know how long the bend in the road is, or if there is a hill on the other side. We often cannot see around a curve, and--like a curve in life--trying to speed around it can be hazardous, thinking we know what is on the other side of that bend.
But the thing I enjoy most about driving is the knowledge that I am going somewhere.
I may not know my end destination, but I have a goal to drive in one direction. If I plan to "drive North" I am going to make sure I keep taking roads that will lead me North. I will not take a road that says "South" or that appears to be a long U-turn, causing me to go the other direction. I do not wish to drive off my designated path. Sometimes in life, I feel like I know where my end destination is. At other times, I feel as though I am simply driving to drive.
And there is nothing wrong with either of those opinions! Occasionally life gets hard and all you can do is drive. You don't know where the road will lead you, but you know you are headed in the right direction.
And the direction is all that really matters.
Yes, you want to reach an end destination at some point, (and let's all hope we're going to arrive at the end destination of being worthy to live with our Heavenly Father again). But when it comes to this life, we will all end up at different locations. Some will get married, some may not. Others may have kids, others may not. More may attend college, many more may not.
The point is, we are all driving on the Road of Life. We will all experience the bumps, construction, and thrills of driving it. The blessing is being able to know that if we do have an accident of any kind, our loving Savior Jesus Christ is instantly there beside us, helping us, and guiding us through the trial. Jesus Christ will never leave us alone. And the best part is, unlike a call to a service company, we never have to wait for Him!!! If we will but turn to Him for help, He will help us. All we must do is ask.
And that, my dear friends, is what brings me the greatest peace of all while I drive this Road of Life.
I find driving to be a very soothing activity (especially if one has the right kind of music blasting through the speakers) and I have had a lot on my mind lately. For starters, I feel my life is changing. There is a growing desire inside of me for a change. But I don't quite know what that change is exactly... Is it moving out? Is it relationship/marriage? Is it work-related? In either case, I feel this premonition (if you will) that a change is coming.
And it's coming sooner than I think.
A lot can happen in a short amount of time. I have seen this in my own life. I have seen people meet and get engaged within three months of meeting each other. That concept kind of blows my mind, but I'm not going to say "Well that will never happen to me" because then it probably would. Isn't that how life goes sometimes? And it is not just marriage! This last year a lot has happened in my life... a lot. For those of you who know me, you already know most that has happened. People can be gone in the blink of an eye and your world can be turned upside down faster than you can think. Life changes quickly...
So I was driving along, heading North, as I reflected on some of the things that have happened this last year and everything that has happened since August. I was blessed to realize how similar life is to a road.
On your Road of Life, you may be cruising along enjoying the ride. Perhaps it is a nice smooth ride, with little bumps in the road. You might even occasionally stop to enjoy the scenery! At other times on your trip, you might encounter areas where there are potholes and debris. During those hazardous times, I encourage you to do as President Uchtdorf taught, "Slow down!"
The curves of life can sometimes be a difficult obstacle. But if we slow down and follow the path, we will not run off the road and crash. We may not know how long the bend in the road is, or if there is a hill on the other side. We often cannot see around a curve, and--like a curve in life--trying to speed around it can be hazardous, thinking we know what is on the other side of that bend.
But the thing I enjoy most about driving is the knowledge that I am going somewhere.
I may not know my end destination, but I have a goal to drive in one direction. If I plan to "drive North" I am going to make sure I keep taking roads that will lead me North. I will not take a road that says "South" or that appears to be a long U-turn, causing me to go the other direction. I do not wish to drive off my designated path. Sometimes in life, I feel like I know where my end destination is. At other times, I feel as though I am simply driving to drive.
And there is nothing wrong with either of those opinions! Occasionally life gets hard and all you can do is drive. You don't know where the road will lead you, but you know you are headed in the right direction.
And the direction is all that really matters.
Yes, you want to reach an end destination at some point, (and let's all hope we're going to arrive at the end destination of being worthy to live with our Heavenly Father again). But when it comes to this life, we will all end up at different locations. Some will get married, some may not. Others may have kids, others may not. More may attend college, many more may not.
The point is, we are all driving on the Road of Life. We will all experience the bumps, construction, and thrills of driving it. The blessing is being able to know that if we do have an accident of any kind, our loving Savior Jesus Christ is instantly there beside us, helping us, and guiding us through the trial. Jesus Christ will never leave us alone. And the best part is, unlike a call to a service company, we never have to wait for Him!!! If we will but turn to Him for help, He will help us. All we must do is ask.
And that, my dear friends, is what brings me the greatest peace of all while I drive this Road of Life.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
"Silence" Book Review
Last night I purchased a much awaited book (released yesterday). However, despite my "much anticipation," I found I had forgotten about it until 7:00 pm last night. Yes, I did indeed get dressed again and do my hair again and go to town... again.
There were several reasons for this crazy action. Here are just a few:
So, here is my rant/review of the said book...
**SPOILER WARNING** for Hush, Hush and Crescendo. **POSSIBLE SPOILERS** for Silence.
There were several reasons for this crazy action. Here are just a few:
1) I am fond of the series. In a way, it's a guilty pleasure of mine and I love reading it...
2) I read book one all day Thursday (and completed it in one day--my new record for a book) and I spent a couple hours Friday and my weekend evenings reading book two. I last read these books a year ago (when the second book was released) and I wanted to refresh my memory. With the investment of time I just exercised, I thought I had to have this third book the day it came out.
3) I was dying to hear what was going to happen in the story. Book two left off on an incredible cliff-hanger... and I mean the WORST kind of cliff-hanger... the ultimate villian shows up and basically poses a question and then it simply ENDS! Obviously I was dying to continue.
4) I simply wanted to go back to town... there's just something about driving in the rain with a set destination. =)
So, here is my rant/review of the said book...
**SPOILER WARNING** for Hush, Hush and Crescendo. **POSSIBLE SPOILERS** for Silence.
Sunday, October 2, 2011
Men I Would Love to Have In My Life
Alright, so this is basically a hilarious post with a crazy idea I came up with tonight...
You see, I finished two books this weekend (in one series) because the third is being released on Tuesday. Anyway, it made me start thinking about all the great male characters (both real and fictional alike) who I would simply LOVE to have in my life. I know, you can say it, I'm crazy. ^-^
Here we go!!
First up, the best of the best (in my opinion)...
Dante Alexander
The Hourglass Door Book Series by Lisa Mangum
*As portrayed by Ben Barnes
Purpose: "Perfect Boyfriend"
He's simply the perfect guy. No joke! He has the whole "bad boy" thing going on, but he truly is a good guy at heart and will do anything to save his girl, even if it means the destruction of time itself!
The Tiger's Curse Book Series by Colleen Houck
*Picture found via Google and edited by me (MelissaH)

Purpose: "Playful"
He's a man who can change into a tiger. Simple as that. Actually, I fell in love with Kishan's personality and how playful he is. He's very smart and can easily sweet talk anyone. I would have a BLAST talking back to him.
(Side Note: Yes, I would choose Kishan over the male-lead/hero Ren. I'm apparently one of the few fans that would. What is up with that? Why do the fans always go for the good guy? Where's the sense of adventure and daring? ...Alright, now that I've established I'm a die-hard "bad boy" fan, let's continue with the list, shall we?)
Patch / Jev
The Hush, Hush Book Series by Becca Fitzpatrick
*As portrayed by Drew Doyon
Purpose: "Bad Boy"
Perfect bad boy. No joke. It also helps that he's an angel... Fallen-turned-guardian angel, that is. He would simply be fun to have around, not to mention the interesting dilemma it would be having him and Kishan in the same room... Oh man, I would have a camera recording the whole event! What would it be like to watch a tiger and a fallen angel fight and, more importantly, who would win? Hmmm... ^-^
Red Salvias
The Destroyer Series by Melissa Hansen (me!)
*As portrayed by Theo Theodoridis
Purpose: "Guard Dog"
Red is fiercely loyal and protective. He would do whatever it took to protect his girl and would cherish her forever (which for him is a very long time). Not to mention, he has been a very close "friend" of mine for years. I'm excited to finally be writing about him!! Check out my book series here.
The Doctor
Doctor Who
*As portrayed by David Tennant
Purpose: "Knowledge & Travel"
For all my quick-talking, Scottish-accent, alien-savy needs!! Not to mention being able to travel to other worlds, times, and galaxies with the use of his TARDIS! Talk about fun!!! The Doctor is an amazing character and I fell in love with the way David portrayed him in the series. I was quite sad when he left the show, but we all realize that the show must go on. However, David Tennant will always remain THE Doctor in my life. "Ten forever!" ^-^
Alan Rickman
Purpose: "Poetry @ Night"
Alright, I know he's married, and a whole lot older, but have you HEARD this man's voice???? The whole reason I would want him is so he could read me poetry and tell me stories before bed each night. I would easily fall asleep to his voice and have the best of dreams.
Johnny Depp
Purpose: "Simply Because"
It's Johnny Depp... do I honestly need a reason? =P
David Hodges

Purpose: "Musical Therapy"
Some--if not most--of you have probably not heard of this man. He is an amazingly talented song writer and his fingers work wonders on the piano. He has helped write songs for popular artists such as Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry, David Archuleta, Carrie Underwood, and David Cook. I simply LOVE his musical talent and I could easily listen to him play for hours.
And last, but certainly NOT least...
Flynn Rider
Disney's "Tangled"
Purpose: "Make Me Laugh"
I love his sense of humor!! He would be able to make me laugh all the time. (If you have not yet seen Tangled, I would very, very, VERY strongly suggest that you do!)
Anyway, so there's my wonderful list of men who I wish were currently in my life... Life would be complete.
(*Notice how the fictional men are at the top of the list... aside from Flynn. I wonder if there's a hidden meaning to that... lol!)
Alas, I realize this list will never be a possibility. HOWEVER, I have excellent men currently in my life who I would not trade for anyone in this world--real or fictional. I look up to each of these men because of their excellent examples. They all have qualities that I love and talents I sometimes am envious of. I am truly happy I have the chance to know and interact with each of them here in this life. Love ya, guys!!!
You see, I finished two books this weekend (in one series) because the third is being released on Tuesday. Anyway, it made me start thinking about all the great male characters (both real and fictional alike) who I would simply LOVE to have in my life. I know, you can say it, I'm crazy. ^-^
Here we go!!
First up, the best of the best (in my opinion)...
Dante Alexander
The Hourglass Door Book Series by Lisa Mangum
*As portrayed by Ben Barnes
Purpose: "Perfect Boyfriend"
He's simply the perfect guy. No joke! He has the whole "bad boy" thing going on, but he truly is a good guy at heart and will do anything to save his girl, even if it means the destruction of time itself!
The Tiger's Curse Book Series by Colleen Houck
*Picture found via Google and edited by me (MelissaH)

Purpose: "Playful"
He's a man who can change into a tiger. Simple as that. Actually, I fell in love with Kishan's personality and how playful he is. He's very smart and can easily sweet talk anyone. I would have a BLAST talking back to him.
(Side Note: Yes, I would choose Kishan over the male-lead/hero Ren. I'm apparently one of the few fans that would. What is up with that? Why do the fans always go for the good guy? Where's the sense of adventure and daring? ...Alright, now that I've established I'm a die-hard "bad boy" fan, let's continue with the list, shall we?)
Patch / Jev
The Hush, Hush Book Series by Becca Fitzpatrick
*As portrayed by Drew Doyon
Purpose: "Bad Boy"
Perfect bad boy. No joke. It also helps that he's an angel... Fallen-turned-guardian angel, that is. He would simply be fun to have around, not to mention the interesting dilemma it would be having him and Kishan in the same room... Oh man, I would have a camera recording the whole event! What would it be like to watch a tiger and a fallen angel fight and, more importantly, who would win? Hmmm... ^-^
Red Salvias
The Destroyer Series by Melissa Hansen (me!)
*As portrayed by Theo Theodoridis
Purpose: "Guard Dog"
Red is fiercely loyal and protective. He would do whatever it took to protect his girl and would cherish her forever (which for him is a very long time). Not to mention, he has been a very close "friend" of mine for years. I'm excited to finally be writing about him!! Check out my book series here.
The Doctor
Doctor Who
*As portrayed by David Tennant
Purpose: "Knowledge & Travel"
For all my quick-talking, Scottish-accent, alien-savy needs!! Not to mention being able to travel to other worlds, times, and galaxies with the use of his TARDIS! Talk about fun!!! The Doctor is an amazing character and I fell in love with the way David portrayed him in the series. I was quite sad when he left the show, but we all realize that the show must go on. However, David Tennant will always remain THE Doctor in my life. "Ten forever!" ^-^
Alan Rickman
Purpose: "Poetry @ Night"
Alright, I know he's married, and a whole lot older, but have you HEARD this man's voice???? The whole reason I would want him is so he could read me poetry and tell me stories before bed each night. I would easily fall asleep to his voice and have the best of dreams.
Johnny Depp
Purpose: "Simply Because"
It's Johnny Depp... do I honestly need a reason? =P
David Hodges

Purpose: "Musical Therapy"
Some--if not most--of you have probably not heard of this man. He is an amazingly talented song writer and his fingers work wonders on the piano. He has helped write songs for popular artists such as Kelly Clarkson, Daughtry, David Archuleta, Carrie Underwood, and David Cook. I simply LOVE his musical talent and I could easily listen to him play for hours.
And last, but certainly NOT least...
Flynn Rider
Disney's "Tangled"
Purpose: "Make Me Laugh"
I love his sense of humor!! He would be able to make me laugh all the time. (If you have not yet seen Tangled, I would very, very, VERY strongly suggest that you do!)
Anyway, so there's my wonderful list of men who I wish were currently in my life... Life would be complete.
(*Notice how the fictional men are at the top of the list... aside from Flynn. I wonder if there's a hidden meaning to that... lol!)
Alas, I realize this list will never be a possibility. HOWEVER, I have excellent men currently in my life who I would not trade for anyone in this world--real or fictional. I look up to each of these men because of their excellent examples. They all have qualities that I love and talents I sometimes am envious of. I am truly happy I have the chance to know and interact with each of them here in this life. Love ya, guys!!!
Now what is YOUR list???
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