Thursday, January 26, 2012

More Books

You know one thing I hate?  Being in the middle of reading a good book and you end up buying new books that you want to read now.

You know one thing I love?  Being in the middle of reading a good book and you end up buying new books that you want to read now.

Do you want to know why I have such a love-hate relationship with this?

It's simple really.  I hate reading a book only to decide I need new books, so I run out and buy more books, only to realize that now I have to finish the one I'm currently reading before I can read the other books.  This works for and against me; it helps me read the current book faster, while it also makes me want to simply put it aside and start the new books.

But, alas, I am in the very middle of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire.  For those who do not know, that book is one of the largest (if not the largest) Harry Potter book there is.  Being such, I don't want to simply put it aside and start reading a different book because then I would have to start over when I do decide to go back to it (yes, I do have OCD tendencies when it comes to reading books).

So, now that I have a couple new books, I am going to continue reading Harry Potter until I'm finished.  At which point, I may take a break from Harry and his friends, and read something fresh.  Then I will return to the Potter Saga and finish the series.

That is the plan.

Now, you may be wondering what these "new books" are that I purchased?  They are...

"Shiver" by Maggie Stiefvater
YA Paranormal Romance
390 pages
The Cold.
Grace has spent years watching the wolves in the woods behind her house.  One yellow-eyed wolf--her wolf--watches back.  He feels deeply familiar to her, but she doesn't know why.

The Heat.
Sam has lived two lives.  As a wolf, he keeps the silent company of the girl he loves.  And then, for a short time each year, he is human, never daring to talk to Grace... until now.

The Shiver.

For Grace and Sam, love has always been kept at a distance.  But once it's spoken, it cannot be denied.  Sam must fight to stay human--and Grace must fight to keep him--even if it means taking on the scars of the past, the fragility of the present, and the impossibility of the future.

Alright, I have heard mixed reviews about this book.  I was originally intrigued by it while watching some YouTube videos and it was mentioned casually.  It peeked my interest and I haven't been able to get it out of my mind since (always a sign to me that I need to read the book).  Many on have argued that it should have been called "Twilight: Team Jacob Version" because people think anything involving wolves goes back to Jacob Black (as with anything involving vampires goes back to Edward Cullen).  Granted, Stephanie Meyer did break a new path when it came to paranormal romance in the young adult genre, and opened up a whole new can of worms with the vampire phase, but she wasn't the first one to do it, and therefore all books should not be judged with an eye for Twilight.  Alright, now that I'm done ranting, let me continue...

Perhaps I am partial to this book because it reminds me of my Destroyer Series and I'm hoping that the reviewers are incorrect in their comments (for beauty is all within the eyes of the beholder, correct?).

The other book is:

"Gone" by Michael Grant
YA Supernatural Sci-Fi Thriller
558 pages
In the blink of an eye.  Everyone disappears.  GONE.

Everyone except for the young.  Teens.  Middle schoolers.  Toddlers.  But not a single adult.  No teachers, no cops, no doctors, no parents.  Gone, too, are the phones, internet, and television.  There is no way to get help.

Hunger threatens.  Bullies rule.  A sinister creature lurks.  Animals are mutating.  And the teens themselves are changing, developing new talents--unimaginable, dangerous, deadly powers--that grow stronger by the day.

It's a terrifying new world.  Sides are being chosen and war is imminent.

The first in a breathtaking saga about teens battling each other and their darkest selves, GONE is a page-turning thriller that will make you look at the world in a whole new way.

This series sounds interesting because I'm all for children ruling the world and it will be fun to see exactly what the author means by mutating animals and the dangerous powers that the teens are gaining.  Makes me think of the Left Behind series mixed with X-men.  This should be interesting!

So, now I need to finish Harry Potter and then I can read something new!  Oh, the many, many books I want to read this year... and if you don't believe me, check out my Books 2 Read page!  It's loaded with the things I want to read!

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