Saturday, July 2, 2011

Such A Thing As Too Much Writing?

Is there such a thing?

I have concluded there is... in the physical sense that is.

Sadly enough, the other day I wrote approximately 20 pages (back and front) in my notebook... all long-hand.  That equated to a couple hours worth of constant writing... and I've paid for it ever since.

You know how when you write for long periods of time, or really quickly, your wrist and hand tense up, sending sharps pains radiating out?  Well, I didn't feel that initial "sharp" pain (probably because I was too distracted to my story to pay attention!).  But afterward, my wrist killed.  I even had to ice my wrist.  Can you imagine that?  What's more lame than "I wrote too much" as an excuse when people ask "What did you do?" when they see your bandaged wrist.  So I don't talk about it.  But honestly, it's been a pain.  (lol!)

However, yesterday, I decided to ignore it and write anyway.  I only wrote about 4 pages, but it was enough to keep me entertained.  Then I proceeded to go to work cleaning out my bathroom drawers (yay for throwing stuff away!!!).

But I'm loving how my Destroyer Series story is developing.  I was able to get all of Book 1 ("Tainted") outlined by hand!!  (I will have to do some tweaking, because I didn't have all my notes in front of me and I'm sure I missed some things--since I was doing it all from pure memory--but it's basically done.)  And I have a large portion of Book 2 outlined.  I was originally going to entitle it "Bound" because that made the most sense with the events that happen in the book.  However, as I was outlining, the thought of "Broken" came to mind as a possible title as well.  But as I'm typing this, I'm thinking "Bound" would still be best for Book 2 and "Broken" be Book 3... hmmm.... I'll think about that...

Anyway, despite my sore wrist I am still functioning... and still writing!!  It's all mind over hand, right?  ^-^

And I will keep writing... at least until it kills me...

...I don't think I can take a notebook with me if I leave this world... lol!!

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