Thursday, August 11, 2011

Movie List 2011

Recently there have not been many movies that have come out that appeal to me.  But the following--either currently out or will be coming out in the near future--look intriguing!

September 23, 2011

Granted, it has Taylor in it (Jacob from Twilight) and that was what originally piqued my interest. However, after seeing this trailer I was thoroughly enthralled.

September 9, 2011

This movie will probably give me nightmares for weeks!!

September 16, 2011

My summary: "A Walk to Remember" meets the "Sixth Sense" and "Where the Wild Things Are"

"Tower Heist"
November 4, 2011

This one simply looks hilarious and has some big names starring in the movie!

"The Help"
August 10, 2011

I've heard excellent things about the book and the story looks really good!

"Jack and Jill"
November 11, 2011

This looks funny, but probably not worth the theater ticket. It'll be a renter though!

"One Day"
August 19, 2011

Another renter!! This looks cute!

October 14, 2011

This kind of reminds me of "Step Up!" in ways...

[*All trailers and release dates found via]

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