Sunday, August 14, 2011

Random Band-Song-CD Cover Image Fun!

So, a friend of mine posted this on FaceBook a while back and I found it VERY enjoyable!!  It's a lot of fun and can be quite humorous!

Step #1:

Go to Wikipedia and select random on the left.
The FIRST article that comes up is your band name.

Step #2:

Go to and hit random again (on the left side).
Take the LAST FEW WORDS of the FIRST quote that comes up which will be your album title.

Step #3:

Go to flickr and click on "explore the last seven days" [Top = "Explore" then Right = "Interesting Photos From the Last 7 Days".... Or you could simply click here.]
The THIRD picture is your album cover.

Step #4:

Use your favorite picture editing software to piece it all together!!!

Here are some of the examples I have done:

Anyway, it's a way fun thing to do on the internet if you're bored!  I've found it quite enjoyable and could spend hours doing this!!

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