Thursday, July 12, 2012

Books and Reading Goal

If I'm going to keep buying books... I really need a new bookshelf unit, or I need to sell some movies and free up space.  *sigh*

I went and found 3 more books today (shopping is my cure for boredom on a day off from work).  All YA (young adult) of course.  I can't wait to read them, but I have to get through the book I'm currently reading.  For some reason I'm seriously struggling with it.  A book that should have only taken a day or two to read has stretched to over a week, because the story hasn't pulled me in (I don't find myself wanting to read it).  It must be because this book deals more with the setting (or "milieu" as Orson Scott Card calls it) and I enjoy more character or event stories.  I won't go into too much detail here (I shall leave that for my book review), but I will finish it soon and put the review up.  Until then, my new books continue to pile high on my desk beside my bed, waiting to be read with love.

I blame the recent book splurges this summer on the fact that I received a coupon to my local "bookstore" that was good from May - July and can be used an unlimited amount of times before it expires.  It's rare for these books to go on sale (for it's not a "normal" bookstore like Barnes & Noble so they don't have the margin to allow for many discounts), therefore I've been taking advantage of this coupon.  Sadly, it has also been taking advantage of me via my disappearing paycheck and dwindling space on my bedroom floor.

Speaking of books to be read, my Amazon order arrived yesterday!  "Story" by Robert McKee looks awesome but will take some time to read because of how much digestion will be needed (yet another book sitting on my desk).

"Independence Day" by Frankie Negron is AMAZING!!  I'm so glad I purchased it!  The songs simply speak to me and I have been listening to it almost constantly since yesterday.  The songs that are jumping out are "I Still Remember" and "Stand By Me and Fight."  I'm currently trying to locate a video with "I Still Remember" so I can share it with you!  However, I can't seem to locate it.  When I do, I will definitely be posting the lyrics to this amazing song.

Well, I have had a very productive morning so far and seeing as I don't have work today, I shall go and hopefully, HOPEFULLY get through my book so I can start a new one!  After all, I have a New Year's Resolution to meet!  And once school starts back up in the Fall, I know I won't have as much time to read...

So I am enjoying my freedom while it lasts!  I'm going to read as much as I possibly can before school starts at the end of August.  My goal: Reach at least 16,000 pages (if not more).  That leaves 9,000 pages to read before the end of the year (and I do have several books coming out in the fall).  8,000 pages shouldn't be too bad for a two-month period, right?  After all, I am planning on re-reading the Hourglass Door trilogy by Lisa Mangum (my favorite series/author) and I would love to re-read the Tiger's Curse series before the fourth book is released at the beginning of September.  Those six books alone should give me around 2,000 pages.

I can SO do this!!

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