Friday, July 20, 2012

Random Book Update

Wow, this last week has been interesting...

Other than watching more of Vampire Diaries (which I'm secretly obsessed with) I started reading a new book.  Shortly after starting the book, I began to notice some things: My mood started getting darker whenever I read the book.  Never a good sign.  The whole concept--though it sounded fascinating in the store--went against my beliefs, and not in a good "fantasy" type of way either.  I kept getting the thought that I needed to stop reading it.  But I battled with myself and said, "But I have a reading goal, and if I just finished this book..."  But then the other voice would whisper, "Is 300 pages really worth this change in your life?"  After reading to page 144, I put the book down and resigned myself to the fact that I needed to stop reading this book, despite how fascinating it may seem.  Not to mention the fact that there was way too much swearing--nearly a word or more per page--which I somehow missed when glancing through it in the store, and I just couldn't handle it anymore.  Combine that with the whole concept, and I decided the 300 pages was not worth the price I was paying.

And since I stopped reading that book, my world has become brighter!  Who would have thought, right?  Clearly the Spirit was whispering to me to stop reading...  I'm grateful I listened.

So, after I stopped this book, I had a choice.  What book should I read next?

As you know, I have several "new" books to read stacked up on my floor.  Two of which are very recent purchases that I'm really excited about.  However, for the last couple months, I have been wanting to read The Hourglass Door trilogy by Lisa Mangum again.  I have put it off because I knew I had other books to read, stories I had not read before.  But alas, I gave in to my temptation...

I'm reading my favorite series... again.

But even though I've read this series several times before and know everything that's going to happen, it still doesn't make the story any less magical.  To me, the story and writing speak to me... It's like, if I were to ever write a story, it would sound like these books (though, not nearly as good I'm sure!).  But the way in which Lisa writes and the characters that come to life just make me... happy.  I don't know what other word I could use to describe it.

It's like finding a part of yourself that you thought had been lost...  

It's like coming home.

That was how it felt when I started reading this book for the first time.  And even after two and a half years, I still get those same feelings of excitement and comfort.  Like hot cocoa on a cold winter's eve, with the snow gently falling outside while you sit next to the fireplace and dream of the future.

I'm grateful I decided to read this series now.  After feeling the chill the previous book left in my life, it was nice to "come home" and warm up with Abby and Dante.

And yes, I would choose Dante Alexander over any other fictional character that exists.

In other book news, I also finally finished reading Orson Scott Card's Characters & Viewpoint.  It has taken me a while, but the knowledge I have gained in the process has been monumental in the way I view characters (whether they be my own or created by others).  It's absolutely fascinating what Card taught me regarding characters, especially character development.  He also gave extremely helpful advice for trying to decide which POV to write in (which has been a struggle of mine for quite some time):

"First-person and omniscient narrations are by nature more presentational than limited third-person--readers will notice the narrator more.  If your goal is to get your readers emotionally involved with your main characters, with minimal distraction from their belief in the story, then the limited third-person is your best choice."
p. 212
After reading a couple chapters on viewpoints and seeing numerous examples of each, I have come to the conclusion that, as Card explains above, limited third-person is the best for me.  Notice how I said "for me."  It may not be true for you.  Also, I realize each story is different and may require a different POV style.  But as for right now, especially in regards to my Destroyer Series, I plan to use limited third-person.  This decision has been reached thanks to Card's ability to explain and help me see the bigger picture, along with many inner battles fought.

In the end, I have enjoyed what I have read so far this year, and I look forward to reading my favorite series up in the mountains during my family vacation this weekend... maybe even with some hot cocoa! ^-^

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