Sunday, July 29, 2012

Right Place, Right Time

Have you ever had one of those moments where you knew you were in the right place at the right time?

Well, today was one of those days for me.

First of all, my own father was assigned to speak in church.  We are both certain that the adversary did not want him giving his talk because there were all sorts of conflicts.  The first time he was asked, they ended up rescheduling him.  Then, this last week has been hectic with getting back from a family reunion and changes at work.  Then yesterday (the day he would have spent collecting his thoughts and putting them into a cohesive talk) was spent with his family taking a day trip.  We didn't arrive home until nearly 8:30 last night and that's when we discovered a problem with the printer/internet and our home computer wouldn't print, therefore, he had no way of printing his outline.  Oh my, the obstacles that had to be overcome this day.

However, I know my dad was supposed to give this talk today.  I really wanted to attend so I could support him (seeing as I'm an only child), but I was scheduled to teach this Sunday in my own Single's Ward.  When I texted the other teacher to ask him to cover for me, I secretly knew he probably wasn't going to be able to since he sometimes has work or he's attends another ward.  Thankfully, he quickly agreed.  Being able to get my own lesson covered so easily was a sign to me that I needed to go to my old Home Ward this week.

Boy oh boy, I'm so very glad I went.

Not only did I have the opportunity to listen to my dad give an amazing talk and feel the Spirit, but an older gentleman from Japan had been visiting his family here in our Ward for the last month.  He had been asked to share his testimony for he had been converted and was previously a Stake President over in Japan.

He bore his testimony in Japanese with his son-in-law translating.

For those of you who don't know, I love the Japanese culture and especially hearing the language.  I could easily sit for hours and listen to Japanese music/shows/etc.  There's something about the fluidity of the language that gets to me, and I find it relaxing to listen to.  Therefore, I couldn't help but smile the entire time this elderly man shared his testimony with us.  It was short and sweet, but carried an incredible spirit of how the Atonement of Jesus Christ truly changes our hearts and has an impact on thousands of souls.  The choices we make now will influence the choices of our children and our children's children.  It was so incredibly touching.

Not only that, but in Sunday School the son-in-law (who I learned is a PhD in linguistics and also from Japan--though he looks American) gave an amazing lesson in Gospel Doctrine on Alma 36.  He talked about how the Chiastic Structure is very evident in this chapter.  The Chiastic Structure is use in ancient text and only known by a handful of professionals at the time that Joseph Smith translated the plates.  No farmboy could have come up with this kind of structure.  It kind of looks like the following and can vary in size:


Where A and 'A are mirrored phrases (or exact opposites using similar words) and there is a defining point where the most important message is placed (the H's in the example above).  For example, if A read: "My son give ear to my words" then 'A might say "This according to [the Lord's] word."  Or a better example:

C: The very thought of coming into the presence of my God did rack my soul with inexpressible horror...
'C: Yea, and my soul did long to be there [with God].

You see how it is like a parallel?  Alma 36 (Alma's story of his conversion) is a perfect example of the Chiastic Structure.  And guess what is at the point, or the center, of the axis?  Yes, it's Jesus Christ.  This is not simply "ironic" that it's this way, Alma designed this chapter the way he did because it was the way they wrote in ancient times.  The Book of Mormon is truly an ancient book, and here is evidence of that.  In no way could a farmboy do something like this.

But wait!  There is more to this day that I enjoyed!  (I know, right?  My mind was already blown from Gospel Doctrine!)

Where it is the 5th Sunday, the Relief Society and Priesthood combined and...

(This is the good part!!)

...We learned how to do indexing!!!!

I have never learned how to do this, but I've always had a desire to find out more (especially lately).  It was neat to learn how I can help souls on the other side of the veil have the opportunity to accept blessings that only we can give them while in this life.  What a blessing that this is.  I can't wait to download the program and get started!  After all, I hear it's the best addiction to have.

On top of everything else, I also received personal guidance and desires in my own life of things that I would like to do.  Things like read "Jesus the Christ" by James E. Talmage, and study my Patriarchal Blessing again, amongst other ways in which I can strive to live a fuller life now.

I am soooo grateful that the Lord provided a way that I was able to attend this meeting today.  I learned so much and my spirit feels so full and sated.  How I do love Sundays such as this!

1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry I missed you, I attended another ward so I could hear Marty talk to the youth on this combined 5th Sunday . I love it when the "youth come back for a visit, I feel bad we missed hearing your Dad he is always an awesome speaker. Have you ever thought of serving a mission? Maybe a way to get to Japan and learn to speak fluent Japanese!!
