Friday, July 13, 2012

TV Shows & Writing

You know how I said I was going to go and read yesterday for my day off?

...Yeah that didn't end up happening.

I started watching a "new" show (new for me, but old for just about everyone else).  Having heard good things about it, and knowing the co-creator/producer of the show will be writing the screenplay for the Tiger's Curse movie, I just couldn't resist.

Yes, this show is The Vampire Diaries.

I know, I know.  Vampires are getting kind of old thanks to Twilight, but I have to admit that this show is pretty awesome and highly addictive.  I'm rather hooked.  In two days I have seen 16 episodes... that's a lot!!  I blame it on having Netflix.

The series is very different than the books (which I read several years ago), but in a good way.  However, it does make me wonder how the Tiger's Curse movie will play out.  Hopefully it won't be too different, but now having seen this show, I have trust in the screenwriter's ability to twist a story and make it into something interesting.  So we shall see what the movie will be like when it's released later down the road.

I am very impressed with the way the characters are portrayed in this series.  The way the creators have "showed" us who they are, as opposed to simply telling us.  It's been fun to watch each character change and come into their own so far.  It's funny, when I first saw pictures of this show, I immediately knew which of the brothers (Stephan and Damon) I would choose.  Can you guess?  Yep, the bad boy.  Damon.  But in the first several episodes... he's horrible.  I thoroughly hated him and was genuinely surprised by my reaction to him.  Normally I can see through the bad boys and can tell they have a purpose to their madness.  But Damon was different.  I'm still trying to warm up to him (even after 16 episodes) and I'm still not sure where things are going.  Granted, I understand his pain a little better, which softens my heart towards him.  But he's still... Damon.

I do sense a change in the wind coming for him though.  Obviously there must be some good in him, otherwise the series would not have continued as long as it has.  So we shall see what happens in the coming episodes.

Watching this show, as well as pondering my own stories, I had inspiration hit me yesterday.  Christopher Paolini once said that inspiration strikes him about every 3 months... Well, that's how it is for me.  What's so exciting, and why I feel it's even worth mentioning, is because it had nothing to do with my Destroyer Series that I'm currently working on.  For 3 years I have worked on my Destroyer story (granted, not every day), but I have lived in that world with my characters for 3 years... and then a little while back I had a random idea for another story.  But it was so small.  I've been trying to develop this idea but it simply wasn't coming together.  Until yesterday.  Having watched hours of Vampire Diaries, inspiration struck.  Funny thing is, it has nothing to do with the show.  In fact, I fail to see any connection between my idea and the TV series.  Yet somehow, seeing the creativity of others has inspired my own creativity once again.  The new story is in the extremely rough stages, but I'm excited about it.

It's something new, something different...

Something exciting.

And I can't wait to see how it all goes down.

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