Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Waking Up To A New Day

Today was kind of a big day for me.  I underwent a procedure using anesthesia for the first time in my life.  Being extremely nervous about what could happen, I turned on some David Hodges to help calm my nerves (his music has that affect on me).  Listening only to one song, I had a specific line running through my head the entire time I was going to and prepping for the procedure before the anesthesia took effect: "The light after the storm shows that hope was never gone."

I knew I would get through this minor procedure just fine and I knew I would have hope.

Well, long story short they found some interesting things out.  I'm rather nervous to hear the test results (in about a week's time), but I also realize that it may answer many of the questions I have had for years.  No matter what it turns out to be (whether positive or negative) I hang on to the hope that "tunnels end in light."

So, after sleeping all day (due to the aftereffects of anesthesia), the song line I had running through my head this morning returned.  I chose to listen to one of my favorite versions of the song, which just happens to be a live version of David Hodges singing with a girl named Tamar.  Feeling the lyrics wash over me, I decided to go on a little adventure and see what other songs this Tamar girl has written.

And I fell in love with her songs.

I came across this one and it offered me strength and a peace of mind.  The song sings of moving on and that everyday can be a new day despite the challenges of today.  We have the chance to try a little harder, be a little better, and live life a little fuller.  It's about change despite the challenges that we face.  And as Tamar herself put it:

"New Day, my first single, is a song about overcoming struggle and being in negative situations, but finding the positive lessons through those not-so-wonderful situations that we kind of run into in life."

I fell in love with this song not just because of what I went through today, but because it sings about healing and being able to live a different life.  It has special meaning for me since I have not always lived the life I currently am.  For a while in high school I ran around with a pretty rough crowd, but I have since let go of my past and embraced the future, changing for the better along the way.  "New Day" brings back those feelings I experienced 5 years ago: Change is possible no matter the circumstances.  This song also helps me realize that the power of the Atonement of Jesus Christ is very real; for without Him, change would not be possible and a "new day" would never come.

"New Day"
Tamar Kaprelian

Before the light, I found the dark
Before tonight, I fell apart
Frozen up, I've realized that something's gotta change

It took a crash to understand
Time kept slipping through my hands
I never used to know the sun will shine after the rain

Say goodbye, say goodbye to the way I was before
Say hello, say hello to a new way
I was lost, but I found what I was looking for
Waking up, waking up to a new day
To a new day

I was sleeping in a twisted dream
Dying just to make believe
A pretty situation was far from where I was

But I'm not up for giving up
Lying down and out of luck
My mistakes are in the open and now I'm finally coming clean

Say goodbye, say goodbye to the way I was before
Say hello, say hello to a new way
I was lost, but I found what I was looking for
Waking up, waking up to a new day

'Cause everything, everything ends at the start
I'm healing and feeling all of my scars

Say goodbye, say goodbye to the way I was before
Say hello, say hello to a new way
I was lost, but I found what I was looking for
Waking up, waking up to a new day
To a new day
To a new day

I was lost, but I found what I was looking for
Waking up, waking up to a new day

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