Saturday, December 10, 2011

Astrology, Zodiac, Horoscope?

Astrology signs... Zodiac signs...  Horoscope signs...

Is there really any point to all the madness?  Is there any truth behind it?

In the past, I have often brushed this sort of thing aside.  I like the concept of the fact that I am in control of my own life and its destiny, which is not controlled by the skies or what time of year I was born.


(You were just waiting for that "however" weren't you?)

However, while having fun doing a bit of research, I found it very interesting that the signs of friends I looked up--and especially our compatibility--were almost dead on.  No joke.

This is a very fun site that I found where you select two Astrological signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, etc.) and the site compares the two of them with regards to a romantic relationship.

Because I fall right on the border of two signs, I actually have traits from both.  I took several of my current and not-so-current friends (some not necessarily romantic, but with the concept of us "working together") and I would compare them with BOTH of my signs.  I tested at least 10 different signs and each result spoke volumes of truth about our relationship/friendship/etc.

If you are not sure of your sign, visit this amazing site known as Wikipedia; for there is a wonderful table about two-thirds of the way down the page that lists all the signs and dates.  I went off the "Tropical" Zodiac dates, because those are the ones I am familiar with and have seen as the "standard" in books, newspapers, and other articles over the years.  (Granted, there was/is a big "blow-up" about the Earth spinning differently on its axis and so the dates have now (or will soon) change.  I don't think that applies to anyone born before the year 2000, or something like that.  I honestly don't buy into the whole the-dates-are-wrong concept.  But feel free to Google it if you want to know more.)

Anyway, I am not a hard-core believer in this sort of thing, but I simply found it interesting that it would be so very accurate about so many people and relationships in my life.  It's almost a little freaky...

Then you mix in the Chinese Zodiac signs (aka: Animals).

Wow.  Talk about an overload!

I found this site that gives more than just your Rat, Ox, and Dog profiles.  (Use only the left-hand column regarding the Zodiacs.  This site has ads that appear to be part of the site, but will take you away from the site, just so you know!)  There are actually elements within the profiles!  Did you know that there is a difference between an Earth Dragon and a Water Dragon?  I didn't even know there were elements!  However, I found the main characteristics of the Zodiac are the same with some slight fluctuations in the different elements.  The only downside to this site is that there isn't a nice clean table with all the years.  I knew which Zodiac I was, so I just counted backwards or forwards down the list to find friends' Zodiacs.  The years are listed, but only within the Zodiac profile itself, and under each element.  So some scanning is needed.

One thing I liked about this site is it provides possible career choices, health lifestyle, etc., and also briefly mentions compatibility (not like the Astrology Yahoo! site).  All this site simply states is what you're compatible with and which of the Zodiac's to avoid.

Now, I am sure there are better sites out there that talk about Zodiac signs and Horoscopes.  If you happen to know of any really good ones, please feel free to comment with the link and I would love to check them out!

I may not be fully converted, but I'm certainly starting to believe... ^-^

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