Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here We Go 2012! Ready Or Not!

My New Year Resolutions for 2012:

  •  Start an exercise routine that works for me and stick with it!
  • Learn to incorporate "healthy food" into my everyday diet.
  • Get plenty of rest!  (Meaning: No all nighters!)

  • Study hard in school, even when I might desire to do other things.
  • Keep reading books--even if it's only on Sundays because of homework during the week.  It's important to keep reading!
  • Read the books on my yearly book list
  • Write Book #1 of my book series: The Destroyer Series.

  • Strive to draw closer to my Savior through my actions and deeds each and everyday.
  • Take opportunities to serve others whenever they present themselves.
  • Continue reading everyday in the scriptures.
  • Start thoroughly studying the New Testament.
  • Study the Sunday School lesson a week in advance (I'm all for being prepared, and this is a habit I wanted to establish earlier this year... Sadly it has yet to develop, so I am making it a resolution for 2012!)
  • Attempt to maintain a decently balanced social life, especially during school.  (Perhaps doing at least one thing with someone each week?  Even if it's just a phone call due to busyness...)
  • Continue to strengthen current relationships and strive to create new ones!
  • Try to be more outgoing and trusting of others. 

The biggest goals I want to focus on this year deal with my physical and social health.  I need to eat better (learn to cook more!), and do more physical activity than I currently am.  I need to find a physical routine I can maintain (not only the activity, but also the time of day that will work best for me).  This is something I have struggled with for many years.  I think it's time I break the negative cycle and do something!  As for the social: This year, I have been so greatly blessed with AMAZING friends!  Many relationships have formed in 2011, and I am so blessed to have these marvelous people influencing my life!  They are truly inspirations to me, more so than I think they realize.  I hope this year I can continue to strengthen these newly formed bonds, and perhaps even make some new ones!  (Heck, perhaps I might even find a boyfriend! ^.~)

I feel 2012 will be a good year!  2011 has been rough (from being really sick, to everything that happened with Mom, to dropping out of school temporarily, to making new friends, and to getting a new calling in the Ward!).  It's been an incredible year--even with all the ups and downs, it has truly been a blessing... for every day we are here on this Earth is a blessing from above.  This is one of the major lessons I learned this last year.

I also learned how truly loving our Heavenly Father is of His children.  Even though many suffer pains in this life, there is often a lesson to be learned.  That lesson may not be for the one who is suffering, but rather for those on the outside.  Not only does our Heavenly Father often use others to teach us lessons and help us progress and grow, but He also sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who came and suffered for us so that we can one day return to Heavenly Father and live with Him again.  Through Christ's Atonement, we can repent of our sins and receive the peace of the Holy Spirit once again in our life.  Not only is the Atonement for repenting, but it also helps buffer (or shield) us from the pains of this life.

There is so much darkness and negativity in the world, but there is also much that is bright, beautiful and absolutely stunning.  If we but look to the light of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we will see the brilliant things this world has to offer, and their brightness will diminish the darkness we will see.  The darkness is still there and it will return into our lives if we let it (if we turn out the light).  I plan to keep the light turned on so I can see the beautiful surroundings that make up my wonderful life.

For it truly is a wonderful life.

And 2012 is going to be a wonderful year!


  1. First... I LOVE the Calvin and Hobbes picture. Super cute. :)

    Second, I love this post! You are such an incredible person and example to me. I'm glad we've been able to become friends and get to know each other better. I have truly been blessed because I know you! I think your goals are excellent, and I've got a lot of similar ones (like eating healthy... I'm thinking of doing a club!), so go you!

    Happy New Year! <3

  2. Thank you, Kaylee! Perhaps I shall have to join your club when it is formed! After all, they do say there is strength in numbers... ;)

    As for the Calvin and Hobbes strip, it is my absolute favorite one! (It's the one I was telling you about the other night!). I first came across it in March and it has stayed my favorite ever since. I think we all could be more like Calvin some days (not in all ways, obviously!) and remember that we need to play in the rain that comes into our life. We need to cherish each moment and be grateful for the added moisture that will help to enrich our lives! I love it! And where I'm currently reading the Complete Calvin & Hobbes, I thought it would be fitting for the header. =D

    Happy New Year to you too, Kaylee! What a great year it shall be!
