Friday, December 23, 2011

True Meaning of Christmas

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve...

And I needed to run to town to grab some last minute Christmas gifts (don't we all have those?) as well as some food to bake tomorrow!

While at the grocery store, I went down an isle and noticed a woman in a one of the energized shopping carts that you can drive.  She stopped and was looking at something, so I went to walk passed her and she said, "Would you be willing to grab me two of [those items] off the top shelf?"

I replied, "Yes, of course!"

I confirmed with her what she wanted.  Pulling the two jars off the top shelf, I gave them gently to her--which she proceeded to put into her very full basket--and wished her a Merry Christmas (which I actually have not said to many people this holiday season, and it feel as though something is seriously missing...).

But a tremendous feeling of happiness filled my heart immediately after the woman started on her way down the isle.  She had asked for service, and I had willing given without even a second though.  It was something very small and required very little sacrifice on my part, and yet I know she was grateful for the help and I was left feeling the true meaning of Christmas.

Also, my heart ached at seeing her.  She was alone (no one was helping her shop) and she was disabled to an extent (at least enough to not walk around the store).

Seeing her alone wasn't what melted my heart though...

Helping her get something off the shelf reminded me of my mother.  When my mom would go to town--and take me with--she would have to use one of the energized carts and I would often help her by pulling items off the shelf and putting them in the basket.

As I helped this complete stranger, I was reminded of the times I was with my mom...  And how I didn't appreciate them while they lasted.  I would often get frustrated and going shopping was not easy, nor did I look forward to it.  But as I look back now, I can't help but appreciate them for what they were.  They were times where I spent time with my mom, and I cherish those memories, even though some of them are not as pleasant as others.

And as I was putting the groceries into the trunk, I couldn't help but feel as though my mom appreciated me helping that woman today.  She had taught me the value of serving others, especially when I learned so much about serving her.

Because we as a family went through such a trial with my mother and the progressive deterioration of her body, I have tremendous compassion for those who have suffered--or do suffer--from a serious illness, or even if they are simply disabled physically in some way.  I do not know what was physically incapacitating this woman I helped today, but my heart sure reached out to her.  She was very nice and seemed like a very sweet lady (around middle age).  And wishing her a Merry Christmas just made me feel even warmer inside.  I hope she felt the same.

I hope in the hustle and bustle of this holiday season we don't forget the real reason for this holiday.  It is not about the gifts, the packages, the food, the lights... Yes all those things add to the Christmas season... but they are not Christmas.

Christmas is a time to be close to family, and enjoy each other's company, creating memories.  It's about loving those around you, and letting them know that you do by serving them.  It's about having great compassion for those who are suffering, alone, or are in need at this time.

But most of all, it's about celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, and trying to live as He lived: comforting those in need of comfort, and being a companion to those in need of companionship, and loving everyone unconditionally.

I hope we all remember that this Christmas Season... and do a bit of service for someone who is in need of it.

Even if it's as simple as pulling something off a shelf for someone at the grocery store! =)

Merry Christmas everyone!

1 comment:

  1. Awww.. i really like this post! It's very true, Christmas is about giving back!
