Saturday, December 31, 2011

Here We Go 2012! Ready Or Not!

My New Year Resolutions for 2012:

  •  Start an exercise routine that works for me and stick with it!
  • Learn to incorporate "healthy food" into my everyday diet.
  • Get plenty of rest!  (Meaning: No all nighters!)

  • Study hard in school, even when I might desire to do other things.
  • Keep reading books--even if it's only on Sundays because of homework during the week.  It's important to keep reading!
  • Read the books on my yearly book list
  • Write Book #1 of my book series: The Destroyer Series.

  • Strive to draw closer to my Savior through my actions and deeds each and everyday.
  • Take opportunities to serve others whenever they present themselves.
  • Continue reading everyday in the scriptures.
  • Start thoroughly studying the New Testament.
  • Study the Sunday School lesson a week in advance (I'm all for being prepared, and this is a habit I wanted to establish earlier this year... Sadly it has yet to develop, so I am making it a resolution for 2012!)
  • Attempt to maintain a decently balanced social life, especially during school.  (Perhaps doing at least one thing with someone each week?  Even if it's just a phone call due to busyness...)
  • Continue to strengthen current relationships and strive to create new ones!
  • Try to be more outgoing and trusting of others. 

The biggest goals I want to focus on this year deal with my physical and social health.  I need to eat better (learn to cook more!), and do more physical activity than I currently am.  I need to find a physical routine I can maintain (not only the activity, but also the time of day that will work best for me).  This is something I have struggled with for many years.  I think it's time I break the negative cycle and do something!  As for the social: This year, I have been so greatly blessed with AMAZING friends!  Many relationships have formed in 2011, and I am so blessed to have these marvelous people influencing my life!  They are truly inspirations to me, more so than I think they realize.  I hope this year I can continue to strengthen these newly formed bonds, and perhaps even make some new ones!  (Heck, perhaps I might even find a boyfriend! ^.~)

I feel 2012 will be a good year!  2011 has been rough (from being really sick, to everything that happened with Mom, to dropping out of school temporarily, to making new friends, and to getting a new calling in the Ward!).  It's been an incredible year--even with all the ups and downs, it has truly been a blessing... for every day we are here on this Earth is a blessing from above.  This is one of the major lessons I learned this last year.

I also learned how truly loving our Heavenly Father is of His children.  Even though many suffer pains in this life, there is often a lesson to be learned.  That lesson may not be for the one who is suffering, but rather for those on the outside.  Not only does our Heavenly Father often use others to teach us lessons and help us progress and grow, but He also sent His Son, Jesus Christ, who came and suffered for us so that we can one day return to Heavenly Father and live with Him again.  Through Christ's Atonement, we can repent of our sins and receive the peace of the Holy Spirit once again in our life.  Not only is the Atonement for repenting, but it also helps buffer (or shield) us from the pains of this life.

There is so much darkness and negativity in the world, but there is also much that is bright, beautiful and absolutely stunning.  If we but look to the light of our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ, we will see the brilliant things this world has to offer, and their brightness will diminish the darkness we will see.  The darkness is still there and it will return into our lives if we let it (if we turn out the light).  I plan to keep the light turned on so I can see the beautiful surroundings that make up my wonderful life.

For it truly is a wonderful life.

And 2012 is going to be a wonderful year!

Friday, December 23, 2011

True Meaning of Christmas

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve...

And I needed to run to town to grab some last minute Christmas gifts (don't we all have those?) as well as some food to bake tomorrow!

While at the grocery store, I went down an isle and noticed a woman in a one of the energized shopping carts that you can drive.  She stopped and was looking at something, so I went to walk passed her and she said, "Would you be willing to grab me two of [those items] off the top shelf?"

I replied, "Yes, of course!"

I confirmed with her what she wanted.  Pulling the two jars off the top shelf, I gave them gently to her--which she proceeded to put into her very full basket--and wished her a Merry Christmas (which I actually have not said to many people this holiday season, and it feel as though something is seriously missing...).

But a tremendous feeling of happiness filled my heart immediately after the woman started on her way down the isle.  She had asked for service, and I had willing given without even a second though.  It was something very small and required very little sacrifice on my part, and yet I know she was grateful for the help and I was left feeling the true meaning of Christmas.

Also, my heart ached at seeing her.  She was alone (no one was helping her shop) and she was disabled to an extent (at least enough to not walk around the store).

Seeing her alone wasn't what melted my heart though...

Helping her get something off the shelf reminded me of my mother.  When my mom would go to town--and take me with--she would have to use one of the energized carts and I would often help her by pulling items off the shelf and putting them in the basket.

As I helped this complete stranger, I was reminded of the times I was with my mom...  And how I didn't appreciate them while they lasted.  I would often get frustrated and going shopping was not easy, nor did I look forward to it.  But as I look back now, I can't help but appreciate them for what they were.  They were times where I spent time with my mom, and I cherish those memories, even though some of them are not as pleasant as others.

And as I was putting the groceries into the trunk, I couldn't help but feel as though my mom appreciated me helping that woman today.  She had taught me the value of serving others, especially when I learned so much about serving her.

Because we as a family went through such a trial with my mother and the progressive deterioration of her body, I have tremendous compassion for those who have suffered--or do suffer--from a serious illness, or even if they are simply disabled physically in some way.  I do not know what was physically incapacitating this woman I helped today, but my heart sure reached out to her.  She was very nice and seemed like a very sweet lady (around middle age).  And wishing her a Merry Christmas just made me feel even warmer inside.  I hope she felt the same.

I hope in the hustle and bustle of this holiday season we don't forget the real reason for this holiday.  It is not about the gifts, the packages, the food, the lights... Yes all those things add to the Christmas season... but they are not Christmas.

Christmas is a time to be close to family, and enjoy each other's company, creating memories.  It's about loving those around you, and letting them know that you do by serving them.  It's about having great compassion for those who are suffering, alone, or are in need at this time.

But most of all, it's about celebrating the birth of our Savior Jesus Christ, and trying to live as He lived: comforting those in need of comfort, and being a companion to those in need of companionship, and loving everyone unconditionally.

I hope we all remember that this Christmas Season... and do a bit of service for someone who is in need of it.

Even if it's as simple as pulling something off a shelf for someone at the grocery store! =)

Merry Christmas everyone!

Sunday, December 18, 2011

The Reality of the Atonement

Today was an interesting day.

First of all, I have missed the last two weeks of church due to different types of illnesses going around at work.  So today is special (in and of itself) because I was able to go to church.  But that is not the only reason.

During one of our meetings, I had one of those "zoning out" experiences; not the kind of experience where you are bored so your mind daydreams.  No, this was more of my mind wandering as I was thinking about a friend and worrying about him.

Now, I'm sure you have seen friends or family "fall off the path" in life (whether you are a Latter-Day Saint or not, I am sure you've experienced something like this).  Well we were talking about this in church, and the teacher commented about how sad it is that those who fall away and don't return for a while, feel as though they can never come back or don't belong.  This got me to thinking...

Yes, it is very sad that people feel this way.  It breaks my heart, actually.  However, there is hope.  People can come back.  And they can feel welcomed and as though they belong, if they let Jesus Christ help them.

I'm going to share something with you.  A secret I haven't told many (especially those I have met more recently).

I fell away from the church back in high school.  I went "off the path" and was inactive for close to two years before I finally started trying to correct my mistakes and get back to the light.  For a while after I started coming to church again, I felt as though I didn't belong and that everyone was judging me.  However, I have since learned that this was a false assumption, because most were actually happy to see me (and were truly not judging).  As the years have progressed, so have the people.  There are now only a few--which I can name on one hand--who are still in my church ward who went to my high school and witnessed my downfall.  And with all time, people change and move forward.

Coming back to the light has been a long, hard journey... but so very, very worth it.  Worth all the tears that were shed, all the pain that I felt, and especially all the awkward social moments... It was all worth it.  I cannot describe to you how grateful I am that I let Christ's Atonement work through me and change me into the person I am today.  I would not be this person if not for Him.

I am living proof of Christ's Atonement, and that it is real and that it does work.

My life turned around a full 180 degrees from where it was when I was 17/18.  And I am so grateful to Him for it.

If I can use Christ's Atonement to change from who I was to who I am now, so can you!  And don't think that you don't "deserve" it, because He has already suffered for you.  He has already paid the ultimate price for your sins.  So whether you choose to partake of it or not, He has still felt the pain and paid the price.  He is simply waiting for you, with His arms open, to come back to Him.  That is all He wants.  That is all He is asking for.

And if I can turn my life around, so can you!

I know that because I chose to come back to Him, my life has been blessed in more ways than I can even begin to imagine!  And by remaining faithful, He will bless my life even more.  I know that the reason my social life has exploded this year is because of Him and the blessing He bestowed upon me for remaining faithful this last Spring with the passing of my mother.  I have no doubt in my mind that this is the case.  Had I not remained righteous (and drifted from the path), I would not know the people I do today.

And I am so very grateful for the people I do know (and especially those I have met since the Spring).  They are true inspirations to me.  I can never thank them enough for what they have done and how they have enriched and strengthened my life.

But most of all, I could never thank my Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ for the love which they have for me.  I know I certainly do not deserve their unconditional love, but I am sure grateful for it.  It means the world for me, and nothing in the world can take that faith from me.  (As long as I remain on the right path as I go through life, that is.)

And you also can feel that love.

The Atonement is also much more than "white out" in our book of life (whether the mistakes were big or small).  I have come to understand that the Atonement is also a protective barrier against the pains in this world.  It shields and buffers us from the emotional pain we can be exposed to in this life.  A good example of this is when my mother was in the process of passing away.  People would tell my dad and I how we were "dealing with this so well" or "you look really good considering everything."  But, what those people were witnessing was not some strength that came from within us... it was Christ's Atonement working to build us up and keep us going.  His Atonement is what helped us through the funeral planning process and the grieving.  I have no doubt the Atonement helped buffer my dad and I from the reality shock of what was happening.  And the Atonement can do the same for you in your life, whatever your challenges may be that you are facing (because I know you are facing some incredibly difficult challenges in your life).

I invite you to come unto Christ, come into His loving embrace, and let Him help you.  For He is the God of Miracles and can literally help you change your life.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Astrology, Zodiac, Horoscope?

Astrology signs... Zodiac signs...  Horoscope signs...

Is there really any point to all the madness?  Is there any truth behind it?

In the past, I have often brushed this sort of thing aside.  I like the concept of the fact that I am in control of my own life and its destiny, which is not controlled by the skies or what time of year I was born.


(You were just waiting for that "however" weren't you?)

However, while having fun doing a bit of research, I found it very interesting that the signs of friends I looked up--and especially our compatibility--were almost dead on.  No joke.

This is a very fun site that I found where you select two Astrological signs (Scorpio, Aquarius, etc.) and the site compares the two of them with regards to a romantic relationship.

Because I fall right on the border of two signs, I actually have traits from both.  I took several of my current and not-so-current friends (some not necessarily romantic, but with the concept of us "working together") and I would compare them with BOTH of my signs.  I tested at least 10 different signs and each result spoke volumes of truth about our relationship/friendship/etc.

If you are not sure of your sign, visit this amazing site known as Wikipedia; for there is a wonderful table about two-thirds of the way down the page that lists all the signs and dates.  I went off the "Tropical" Zodiac dates, because those are the ones I am familiar with and have seen as the "standard" in books, newspapers, and other articles over the years.  (Granted, there was/is a big "blow-up" about the Earth spinning differently on its axis and so the dates have now (or will soon) change.  I don't think that applies to anyone born before the year 2000, or something like that.  I honestly don't buy into the whole the-dates-are-wrong concept.  But feel free to Google it if you want to know more.)

Anyway, I am not a hard-core believer in this sort of thing, but I simply found it interesting that it would be so very accurate about so many people and relationships in my life.  It's almost a little freaky...

Then you mix in the Chinese Zodiac signs (aka: Animals).

Wow.  Talk about an overload!

I found this site that gives more than just your Rat, Ox, and Dog profiles.  (Use only the left-hand column regarding the Zodiacs.  This site has ads that appear to be part of the site, but will take you away from the site, just so you know!)  There are actually elements within the profiles!  Did you know that there is a difference between an Earth Dragon and a Water Dragon?  I didn't even know there were elements!  However, I found the main characteristics of the Zodiac are the same with some slight fluctuations in the different elements.  The only downside to this site is that there isn't a nice clean table with all the years.  I knew which Zodiac I was, so I just counted backwards or forwards down the list to find friends' Zodiacs.  The years are listed, but only within the Zodiac profile itself, and under each element.  So some scanning is needed.

One thing I liked about this site is it provides possible career choices, health lifestyle, etc., and also briefly mentions compatibility (not like the Astrology Yahoo! site).  All this site simply states is what you're compatible with and which of the Zodiac's to avoid.

Now, I am sure there are better sites out there that talk about Zodiac signs and Horoscopes.  If you happen to know of any really good ones, please feel free to comment with the link and I would love to check them out!

I may not be fully converted, but I'm certainly starting to believe... ^-^